Apropos of Nothing: Fortified Town!
Over at The Troll Dens, +Stephen Chenault links to this image of a fortified town.
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City of Carcassonne, photographed by air, south-west France. |
This fires up my imagination something fierce. He notes that this is what the dragon sees as he decides to get take-out. True, true. The thing that gets me is just how cool it is. Wiki has a list of fortified towns in England, and of course France, home of Vauban (whom I studied in college, many years ago), boasts quite a few.
The Citadel of Besançon, shown to the right, is something that even when I spent hour upon hour designing
castles and keeps out of the old AD&D books, I would not have had the moxie to set down. Not ten-foot walls, but 15-20 feet wide, and up to 60′ high! Interlocking fields of fire, concealment in defenses and terrain – well, Vauban was Vauban.
We look at our modern constructions, cities, etc. And they are impressive. But out ancestors did all this stuff without the diesel engine, and certainly without magic!
As I noted in my post on Pirates, magic – especially the more banal but far reaching infrastructure magic in GURPS, should allow all of the above, and more. Truly fantastic castles, towers and towns.
Makes me want to run a DF campaign, it does.
Wow. Nice walls.
The old city in Nurnberg has a 50' wide, 30' deep (dry) moat. Visiting it totally revised my ideas of what medieval fortifications were actually like.
You can see how wide the old moat is in this google maps shot: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ll=49.447332,11.081359&spn=0.00052,0.001032&sll=30.307761,-97.753401&sspn=0.959138,1.292267&