Return to Norðlond in a detailed mini-setting for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG.
In The Citadel at Nordvorn, you will find many adventures, plus more trouble the players will doubtless create on their own. The area is so teeming with strife and peril that their characters will have the opportunity to stand at the center of many crises.
The Citadel at Norðvorn is a mini-setting for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. It consists of three major settlements, many small villages, at least one ruin, and two primary sources of conflict: The Hunted Lands to the northwest of The Palisade, and the Endalaus Forest, to the north and east of Audreyn’s Wall.
Return to Norðlond, a Viking-flavored world with its own history, culture, and expectations. Visit as an outsider, or fresh from a victory rediscovering the Hall of Judgment.
Citadel is intended for starting Dungeon Fantasy RPG characters of 250 points.
Good luck, and may the Fates have a bold destiny in store for you!
Well, the Dragon Heresy Kickstarter has funded. So that means that even with some “oops, I had a financial crisis” type stuff, we’re far enough in with long enough to go that I felt comfortable getting stuff moving. Layout and Editing As such, I have initiated the editing work. I’ve hired Vince Harper, who has…
This is it. The last day. The sprint and dash. The Final Countdown. But the Kickstarter campaign for Four Perilous Journeys is not over yet, and the last day is often one of the best days. Go. Go Tell Your Friends. At this point, the very best thing that you, as backers, can do for the campaign…
Thursday is GURPSDay, and below you can find the blog activity from the last seven days. Over the last week, as of 10am CST, there have been 61 GURPS-Related posts from our list of 38 blogs that have popped up on the radar screen. The next two weeks will be slightly disrupted as I will be…
Welcome to the second year of GURPSDay, and here’s the morning pull for you guys. We’re currently drawing content from 74 blogs. Only 26 more to go until we’re pulling from 100! But we’ll need your help. How? Two action items: post more, recruit more. It’s really that simple. More posters is more posts, and more…
We’re halfway there! From a time perspective, as well as financially, though projections are still as good as guesses in a networked world. The Kickstarter went live two weeks ago today, and we are currently marching through towards the final two stretch goals – paying for all full-color interior art and also commissioning a great…
We kicked off where we ended, which was in deep trouble. A realization that Greater (Greatest?) Healing was not a 1-second spell meant that Sigur’s plight was still dire. -20 HP or so but free of many grapples. So very much still reeling and rolling to stay conscious each turn, with the spellcasters at low…