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Live on Kickstarter: Character Collections for The Fantasy Trip

Character Collections for TFT: Launched Friday Feb 19 at 10am Central!

Gaming Ballistic, the only third-party licensed developer of material for Steve Jackson Games’ The Fantasy Trip, launched its third Kickstarter providing support for The Fantasy Trip today.


The campaign hits the ground with three volumes available, but there are three more planned as stretch goals. The PDFs of these books are added to your pledge rewards as the campaign hits new goals. The campaign was 83% funded only five hours in, but the stretch goals are entirely driven by backer counts! So jump on board and tell your friends. If all the goals are met, you’ll get over 300 characters in PDF format for your $10 pledge.

If you’ve been curious about TFT since it became unavailable in the 80s…there’s a “New to TFT” pledge level that includes a hardcover of the RPG rules, and print and PDF copies of the initial three Character Collection volumes, plus three previously published solo adventures to help learn the game at your own pace.

The campaign also features “Decks of Destiny” style cards for each character, available as add-ons:

Please join Gaming Ballistic in making the Character Collections project successful!

Character Collections: Campaign Structure

The campaign runs from today through March 9…18 days, covering three weekends. I hope you take time to read through the campaign, especially as it pertains to the digital and add-on project offering.

The basic premise of the campaign is “pledge for your digital rewards, and then pick your physical rewards as add-ons.” Of course, you can’t actually select the add-ons due to the limitations of the Kickstarter interface. The real choices happen after the campaign is over, in Backerkit. With stretch goals based on backer count, rather than dollars, though, “wait until the end” is a fine strategy so long as we fund!

You can increase your pledge past the basic pledge level to cover the add-ons you anticipate buying. Even so: there are a lot of options, and I’ve already had a few kind people say “Just tell me how much I need to plunk down to get all the new stuff.” That’s not a simple answer…but I’ll give it a shot!

Just Tell Me How Much!

The following assume you already have print and PDF versions of the material from the two Perilous Journeys campaigns.

If you want

  • CC1, 2, and 3 in PDF; you already have CC1: Select the $10 tier and pledge $29
  • CC1, 2, and 3 in both print and PDF: Select the $10 tier and pledge $37
  • Books and cards for CC1, 2, and 3 (assuming we pass 350 backers): Select $10 and pledge $87
  • Everything new available physically on campaign start: Select $10 tier and pledge $212 (this includes all card and counter sheets from More Perilous Journeys as well as the CC materials)

Some other numbers: How much do I add to my digital pledge if I want…

  • All the softcovers if we hit 1,000 backers: +$58 to your digital pledge
  • All the cards if we hit 1,000 backers: +$175 if you have the 5PJ cards; +$195 if you don’t
  • All the counters if we hit $1,000 backers: +$130 if you have the 5PJ counters, +$180 if you don’t

Just give me a table?

My back-catalog just for TFT is getting large enough that catching up all at once is expensive. Definitely a sorry/not-sorry thing. I’m really glad I’ve got over 20 books out there, with supporting “stuff” like cards and counters, though.

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