Artifacts of Legend: Ends June 10 (Kickstarter)
Thursday is GURPS-Day, and release day! We get more goodness today with Loadouts: Low-Tech Armor. I had a hand in this one, as you cans see – I was listed as Lead Playtester. Interestingly enough, this title, so to speak, came last. I was approached by +Steven Marsh a while back to see if I could potentially…
Over at Castalia House, +Jeffro Johnson has written quite a large number of posts that he’s collected on his blog under the heading Appendix N. He also threw my way a nod as one of the Top 10 Gaming Blogs of 2014, which shocked the hell out of me, frankly. He likes my interviews, he says. So…
Dragon Heresy on Twitch This is a bit of an experiment. I’ve never streamed on Twitch, but I’m giving it a shot and streaming Dragon Heresy tonight! The folks at Roles to Astonish, a newish channel, have agreed to come on and play Dragon Heresy with me as the GM. Roles to Astonish: Developer Spotlight…
+Hans-Christian Vortisch dropped me a note on another forum he and I share, which basically (my words, not his) said “um, you were lead playtester on Tactical Shooting, lasers aren’t that different from guns, and your long-winded post is why I wrote Tactical Dodging in the first place.” He’s right, and it’s a valuable addition to the conversation….
For those coming in from Dimicator: welcome, and thanks for visiting! My stats rather firmly reflect a deluge of traffic thanks to Roland’s Facebook share. For those looking for other stuff: More on shields My experiences starting to get into viking-style martial arts with Ásfólk: And welcome to all! Forget All You Know Roland Warzecha…
This is a continuation of my read-through of Chapter 3. Eleven base classes means a crazy-long entry; I broke it up. A retroactive introduction: After an actual-play hiatus where I was mostly writing and playtesting for GURPS. I was invited to play in a Pathfinder game, and after a few sessions, it was time to…