Books Almost in the USA and FnordCon5 Con Report
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Books Almost in the USA and FnordCon5 Con Report

Just a few more miles… Of course, the ship has been “almost there” for something like two days now, but The official update says 5pm today, but we’ll see. I suspect that it both updates and slips late in real time. Even so: It’s right there! FnordCon 5 This last weekend, I went down to…

Nordlond Bestiary Fight-Test: Lan and the Six Alfar Warriors
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Nordlond Bestiary Fight-Test: Lan and the Six Alfar Warriors

This is a guest post and fight-test by Kalzazz “Only in stories did one man face six without injury. […] Only in stories did one man face six and survive.” –Robert Jordan, New Spring One of my favorite scenes in fiction is in New Spring, when Lan faced six credible swordsmen and Lan did, in…

Dragon Heresy: Fatality
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Dragon Heresy: Fatality

We played Dragon Heresy again, at long last. The kids cautiously went forward and entered the next room. Inside were four skuggis – wraiths. They wisped away into the shadows . . . but of course the kids could see my screen so any sort of GM layer action was ineffective. We all agreed to…