Big News from SJG: PDF Challenge and Amazon Page
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Big News from SJG: PDF Challenge and Amazon Page

A Whole ‘Nother Store: Amazon For folks that prefer getting their games from Amazon, or just to widen the opportunities for expanding their market, or just ’cause . . . SJG now has a custom presence on Amazon. This supplements the existing Warehouse 23 sales channel, and is hopefully more discoverable by folks. The Dungeon…

More Perilous Journeys: Royal Mail Rocks
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More Perilous Journeys: Royal Mail Rocks

Just a quick note regarding international physical copies for More Perilous Journeys. My print process goes through Mixam, which prints in both the USA (blah, blah) and more importantly for Not-the-USA backers, the UK. I usually print the international books in the UK, nip them over to Kixto (usually takes two days), and then put…

More Perilous Journeys: $23,000 and 10 days to go; The Authors Speak
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More Perilous Journeys: $23,000 and 10 days to go; The Authors Speak

Status We’re headed into the home stretch now for More Perilous Journeys on Kickstarter, with the final sprint starting in about a week. The campaign has passed the 90% mark, and is less than $2,000 from funding. That’s fewer than 35 people at the average pledge rate . . . we can do it, and…