Dragon Heresy: Fulfillment Complete
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Dragon Heresy: Fulfillment Complete

And we’re done! At least I hope so! This morning I dropped off about 40 books into the mail, which means that all but one order – and that one is an international order – is complete. I’ll take care of that one with TheDiceLatte in Korea over the next day or so. Including today, this means…

Hall of Judgment: Where did the money go?
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Hall of Judgment: Where did the money go?

All of the books have gone into the mail, and the expenses paid. So, where did the money go for this project? It’s my practice to be as transparent as I can with this little adventure in self-publishing and running a small business. So here we go. Hall of Judgment financials. Costs One thing about…

Hall of Judgment: Arrivals and Departures
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Hall of Judgment: Arrivals and Departures

A quick one this Tuesday morning. I continue – via comments, Twitter, and other methods – to hear about HoJ successfully arriving in the UK, Finland, and even a copy to Australia over the last week. Excellent. Kixto got it done, which is all one can ask for. For the US backers – and the…