GURPS Panel Discussion at FnordCon2.3 is 2:30 Central Time
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GURPS Panel Discussion at FnordCon2.3 is 2:30 Central Time

Join Sean Punch, Steven Marsh, and yours truly for a panel discussion about GURPS and Powered by GURPS. It’s being held in the panel-1 channel over at FnordCon2.3 on Discord.

Gaming Ballistic at FnordCon2.3 TODAY
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Gaming Ballistic at FnordCon2.3 TODAY

Today is the day! Today is the second online convention hosted by Steve Jackson Games, FnordCon 2.3 Click on the poster for the link! In addition to nifty panel discussions (and I’ll be on a few of them) there’s also a Dealer Room. FnordCon2.3 Dealer Room Preview   Folks are reminded that the Gaming Ballistic…

Watch the Magic: Ksenia Kozhevnikova does art on twitch tonight!
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Watch the Magic: Ksenia Kozhevnikova does art on twitch tonight!

Ksenia Kozhevnikova is one of the awesome folks on my go-to art team. She did the covers on all five of the More Perilous Journeys books. She’ll be hosting a twitch stream showcasing a new project we’re working on together. My first gig as “Art Director” and her . . . well, she’s way more…