Gaming Ballistic on TableTop Babble Today!
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Gaming Ballistic on TableTop Babble Today!

Last week I sat down with James Introcaso again, and spoke for more than an hour on grappling, Dungeon Grappling, how to publish a game, and how I approach running a Kickstarter, especially as a newbie. It was a fun interview, and James is a great interlocutor. Check it out! TableTop Babble – 040 – 5e…

A mailing list, at last
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A mailing list, at last

A mailing list is a key part of any company’s outreach strategy. In short, it’s the first line of defense against stagnation and starvation. It’s the folks that have come to you, and either expressed interest in, or outright purchased your stuff. It’s probably criminal that I haven’t set one up by now . ….

Gaming Ballistic Update – August
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Gaming Ballistic Update – August

Wow. Big month. Went to GenCon. Can find blog posts on that kickin’ around. I learned a lot, gamed a lot, and networked a lot. I still have to catalog the mighty stack of artists’ business cards I got. I sold about 10 copies of Dungeon Grappling. That was good; more would be better. To…