Gaming Ballistic today on “Talking Crit” Livestream (7pm Central/8pm Eastern)
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Gaming Ballistic today on “Talking Crit” Livestream (7pm Central/8pm Eastern)

I’m joining Erik Tenkar and Bad Mike of “Tenkar’s Tavern” to Talk Crit about gaming. I know we’ll be chatting about my lessons learned running Kickstarters and trying to launch a gaming company. Likely talk about grapping too, because of course I will. Other than that…who knows? Check it out, drop by, and I hope…

Ballistic’s Report: 2020 Financial Overview
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Ballistic’s Report: 2020 Financial Overview

Gaming Ballistic started as a blog in late 2012, and then became a company in its own right in October 2016, as the company formally launched its first product, Dungeon Grappling. 2020 marks the fourth full year of the company’s operation. It still has but one person doing all of the administrative work: me. During…

Gaming Ballistic at FnordCon2.3 TODAY
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Gaming Ballistic at FnordCon2.3 TODAY

Today is the day! Today is the second online convention hosted by Steve Jackson Games, FnordCon 2.3 Click on the poster for the link! In addition to nifty panel discussions (and I’ll be on a few of them) there’s also a Dealer Room. FnordCon2.3 Dealer Room Preview   Folks are reminded that the Gaming Ballistic…