Dark Lord’s Doom at GaryCon 2022
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Dark Lord’s Doom at GaryCon 2022

John Hanna plays Dark Lord’s Doom, by David Pulver, as a GM’d adventure instead of as a solo at GaryCon 2022. This isn’t the first time it’s been done as a convention adventure, and for low-prep, high-reward fun this one and Dragon Hunt! both play well as GM’d adventures. Dragon Hunt! in particular was brutal…

Ballistic’s Report for Week Ending March 25, 2022
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Ballistic’s Report for Week Ending March 25, 2022

This two week update was basically “head down, all the time.” Mentally exhausting, a bit depressing, but in the end, there’s some significant light. Did my taxes. Holy cow I owe a lot of money. Must change plans on reserving some cash for taxes and paying in advance; I learned things about LLCs this year…

Nordlond Bestiary to Brazilian Portuguese!
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Nordlond Bestiary to Brazilian Portuguese!

I have embarked on a project to convert the Nordlond Bestiary to Brazilian Portuguese. I’m getting amazing volunteer help from several people and I’m excited to see what happens here, if anything. First step will be a PDF-only book to see the best way to reach the audience. A print book will follow, after a…