Search Results for: shield DnD

Every Spare Moment . . . plans for 2018
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Every Spare Moment . . . plans for 2018

You have seen a slowdown in the blog recently. This has been related to game production activity for Gaming Ballistic, LLC as a company, rather than as a blog. Dragon Heresy I’ve been furiously editing Dragon Heresy. I am determined to get this into shape this year, and by “in shape” I mean “into gamer’s…

Lost Hall Backerkit: A great first day
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Lost Hall Backerkit: A great first day

The Lost Hall post-campaign goings-on still go on, and they are going strong. Backerkit, Huzzah! This one’s all on y’all. So far, in one day, about 60% of backers have filled out the surveys. This is good. I’d like everyone to do it, of course, but if you are one of the 115 backers that…