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Nordlondic Bull (Guest Post by Kalzazz)

Nordlond is my renamed Torengar for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG project I’m working on. Naturally, I have a playtest crew. Kalzazz is on it. For fun, and because one of the Festivals that are a key part of “town” in the adventure features a story about a bull . . . he wrote up a Nordlonder bull as a creature.

Bulls are unaltered mature male cattle, often clocking in at a ton or more of muscle and bad attitude, complete with horns. Nordlondic cattle are known for coming in a variety of colors* and have upswept curved horns. This represents a bull in his prime that is a survivor in the harsh Nordlonds. Bulls will fight to defend the herd, to drive off rivals, and because they plain do not like people.

ST 33
DX 9
IQ 4
HT 13

Per 12
Wil 12
Speed 5.5
Move 5/10 (Enhanced move 1)

HP 40
DR 2 (Tough Skin) / 6 (Skull) / 5 (Feet)
Dodge 9
Parry (Horns) 11
SM +2

Kick C, 1 14 – 3d+5 cr
Gore C, 1 14 – 3d+8 imp. Can also be used as a slam. Counts as a weapon.

Bad Temper (12)
Lecherousness (12)
Domestic Animal
Peripheral Vision
Combat Reflexes (included in defenses above)
Weak Bite
Peripheral Vision

Skills – Brawling 14

Notes – based off the Ox from Campaigns, but upgraded because its not an altered ox, its a bull!

*per wikipedia, Icelandic cattle do come in many bright colors! They also are on the small side, but Nordlond is the land of mighty barbarians, so presumably Nordlondic cattle are NOT on the small side!

OR 4 skill + 37 damage + 4 move + 3 FP = 48
PR 6 AD + 3 DR + 3 HT + 30 HP + 3 Wil = 45
CER 93

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