The Dwarven Stronghold likes grappling
+Boric Glanduum over at The Dwarven Stronghold has reviewed Gothridge Manor #8.
He seems to like it. You might too – why don’t you pick up a copy and find out?
+Boric Glanduum over at The Dwarven Stronghold has reviewed Gothridge Manor #8.
He seems to like it. You might too – why don’t you pick up a copy and find out?
Howdy! I’m back from possibly the worst travel itinerary I’ve had inflicted on me in my 17 years working at my company. From Thailand to Minneapolis, I sat in hotel rooms or airport layovers for 36 hours, while actually moving from place to place in cars and airplanes for perhaps 24 hours. I am pretty…
The Reloading Press is an approximately fortnightly (every other week) feature here on Gaming Ballistic that started in 2016. Each article looks at some interesting real-world cartridges and presents them with hopefully-useful information in GURPS format. Except when it’s interrupted by massive writing projects, something interesting should appear every couple of weeks. 6x35mm KAC The 6x35mm KAC seems to…
We started off looking for potions. Didn’t see any. Went down the stairs this time, then wandered down a slope. Kicking in a door gave us another hallway, but the other direction led to four giant scorpions. Killing them netted over 2,047 gp, and four pieces of jewelry (250 gp each, for 1,000). Continuing on,…
Welcome to the August installment of Melee Academy, which as always is a fine way to celebrate the fact that Thursday is GURPS-Day. Today’s topic was inspired by a pretty long forum thread on using reach weapons, and the impact of the Wait maneuver providing what seemed to be a sure-fire way of closing to…
I think I’ll be looking for a fantasy cartographer or cartographers to help me make the world, continent, nation, and perhaps a few cities. I’m in the sketching-out phase right now, so there’s tremendous room for influencing the style and even the contents of the world. I think that a decent sketch-map, with a more…
It’s perhaps old news to state that at the very least, the largest force in the tabletop RPGing market – Dungeons and Dragons in all its flavors – evolved from fantasy wargaming, and that combat is a huge part of the game, and therefore a huge part of roleplaying games in general. Gygax noted the…