Didn’t I write that already?
Short post tonight, because I’m in the middle of actually writing a bit on the article on injury and healing, and I don’t want to throw off the Emporer’s groove.
There’s a pretty fun thread over on the SJG Forums about how to account for the velocity of dodging a bullet – really, why is it a bullet is the same difficulty to dodge as a punch?
Specifically, here’s the original question:
This was probably discussed to death years ago, but why isn’t it harder to dodge a bullet than a punch? I get that imposing a -19 penalty to dodge a bullet is basically the same as not allowing a dodge and as a result not very fun but surely there ought to be some difference.Just something that’s been bothering me lately since we’ve move from our DF game into a monster hunter one and bullet ballet is becoming a thing.
If you’ve been reading here for a bit, you’ll remember that this had bothered me before. First time it came up with a vengeance was in +Jeromy French‘s space campaign, where it wasn’t just dodging bullets, it was dodging lasers. This was judged by mid-fight as more than a bit silly. Well, perhaps slightly less silly than first thought.
But really, out of that campaign incident and a few other thoughts along the way, I had occasion to write an article called Dodge This. It was the fifth article I’ve published in Pyr #3, and represents some fairly good rules amalgamation, with many options.
They’ve been fairly well received too.
Why bring this up? I have to somewhere between grit my teeth and smile as the thread in question features the following:
- Post 2: I point out I wrote this already.
- Post 3-5: Restate the usual explanations of what it means. I also deal with this explicitly, with math to back it up for those that care, in Dodge This
- Post 7: Line Editor +Sean Punch drops by and really takes all defenses and puts them into a hierarchy that works very well, being MECE and covering the right bases. Oh, and I also propose an Evasive Movement rule in Dodge This.
- Post 8-12 comment on how cool post 7 is.
- Post 14 brings up how critical perception is. Oh, that gets an entire section in Dodge This
- Post 35: suggests using the Size and Speed/Range table to figure penalties. Which I do in Dodge This

Well, you persuaded me to buy it! Good post.
Mission accomplished, then! Thanks for reading, and SJG thanks you for buying, I'm sure.