Dungeon Grappling: a cover maybe
Really, this is what happens when someone like me needs a cover mockup for a Kickstarter pitch. And why you hire real artists for such things.
This is clearly missing some things. I’ve got Emily Smirle working up a 3D render image for the front cover. I obviously need an ISBN. I think I need a bit more information about the product on the front, perhaps. And once Nathan gets finished with the preliminary layout, I’m sure fonts and spacing and styling could change. The basic template is from RPGNow, part of the Codex by Sade. Will I keep it? Hopefully not – that’s what Stretch Goals are for. But there’s no doubt what the book is about, so it’s a good start.
I purchased – a bit impulsively – very many templates from RPGNow as bundles. So I have options. But better to get something out there and change it for the better than twiddle.
Looks pretty ace! Any way to work the stylized bit into the title? It currently looks rather P like but if the box portion could be moved, it would be a pseudo-illuminated “D”.
Took me a bit to figure out what you mean. I wouldn’t get too attached to this one. I took the first basically medieval-looking cover I could put my hands on (and I bought, well, all of the covers, because the bundles were a very good deal) and made this. I strongly suspect it’ll change more than once.
But I think the answer is “no,” in that the project and title is pretty fixed.
“Took me a bit to figure out what you mean. ” I get that a lot
Roger on all; looking forward to seeing how this works out.