Dungeon Grappling – Kickstarter Launches Monday!
Everything I need is in place except for the video.
I’ll do that this weekend.
We are go for launch. T-minus three days . . .
While the letter-size, two-column format is great for printing and reading on hardcopy and large screens, on a small screen such as most tablets and smartphones, that two-column format can be . . . downright annoying. Thanks to your generosity and support, we have unlocked the $2,000 first stretch goal! Every backer who at least…
+GodBeastX , +Anne Hunter , and Wright Johnson joined me for three hours to kick off the “second” playtest group (of three) for Dragon Heresy. We did not play. Nonetheless, they stuck with me for three hours of chatting, with interruptions by my 6yo, something outside, and tea. We talked setting and character generation from the perspective of three people…
Thursday is GURPSDay! It’s been a good week, and we even got a new release today: Steampunk Conveyances. This book launches the Vehicles series, which will present ready-to-use thematically grouped, well, vehicles. Welcome to the second year of GURPSDay, and here’s the pull for this week. We’re currently drawing content from 89 blogs. Only 11 more to…
Welcome to the second year of GURPSDay, for the second GURPSDay post in January. How? Two action items: post more, recruit more. It’s really that simple. More posters is more posts, and more interest in GURPS. Below you can find the blog activity from the last seven days. 53 posts to round out the week from 73…
Thursday is GURPSDay, and below you can find the blog activity from the last seven days. Over the last week, as of 10am CST, there have been 61 GURPS-Related posts from our list of 38 blogs that have popped up on the radar screen. The next two weeks will be slightly disrupted as I will be…
Grappling is probably one of the oldest forms of combat on the planet. It’s also the form of combat most often used when animals are hunting (some of them, like constrictor snakes, exclusively so). It’s also one that both children, animals, and child animals do instinctively for play. And yet the rules are so often…