Dungeon Grappling – Kickstarter Launches Monday!
Everything I need is in place except for the video.
I’ll do that this weekend.
We are go for launch. T-minus three days . . .
25 hours to fund! Lost Hall of Tyr (2nd Edition) has reached the basic funding goal on the Kickstarter campaign! Thanks to the backers – just shy of 50 of y’all – who pushed us into the new maps territory! Dragon Heresy will have some new, and attractive, adventure support. So, I’ll reach out to…
Armor as dice is a good way of simplifying and speeding some aspects of GURPS combat. It makes it pretty easy to determine if an attack penetrates armor – do the damage dice exceed the armor dice? If yes, injury occurs. If not, it doesn’t. Simple and binary. Maybe too much so. In my Alien…
When Shawn Fisher emailed me that the US Army was looking at adopting a new medium machinegun, this one capable of accurate automatic fire at a range of over a mile, where the M-2 in .50BMG can only deliver single shots, I was intrigued. When I heard it was being considered in .338 Norma Magnum,…
Wounds, Vigor, and Fragility Dragon Heresy made a few changes to things – notably in the implementation of Wounds and Vigor to make explicit what Hit Points leave abstract (you’ll have to grant me a bit of dispensation for utility here; I like it, and it helps with certain narrative-mechanical consistency issues). Wounds for Joe…
Thursday is GURPSDay, and once again it’s on Friday this week! Sorry! I was single-dad’ing it all week, and yesterday was a “work all day, then run around some more, then frantically do parent stuff, then more Kickstarter stuff” kind of day. Still a bunch of new stuff, and three new blogs on the list,…