More Perilous Journeys: Two Days to Go!!
Brief update this morning! Holiday Weekend For those in the USA, it’s Memorial Day, the day dedicated to those who died in the armed service of their country (Veterans Day honors those still alive who served). At least here in Minnesota, it traditionally rains like mad…today is no exception. Campaign Progress In development news, the…
I alluded to a set of house rules that I came up with for shotguns to deal with small shot sizes in my post on Rapid Fire rules and suppression fire. I had thought I’d posted about them, but looking, I don’t think I did. Here’s the deal: it’s commonly known that birdshot stinks as…
I managed to miss last week, but there was a lot of bel0w-the-waterline stuff that wasn’t terribly exciting. That being said, there were some fairly important milestones met over the past two weeks, so here we go. Delvers to Grow books are all out the door Got a full outline approved for a new systemless…
Today’s installment of the Firing Squad welcomes +James Introcaso , proprietor of the World Builder blog and all-around fun guy to talk with. We chat about the next edition of Dungeons and Dragons, his world-in-progress called Exploration Age, the edition wars, and other fun topics (like grappling!) having to do with RPGs. We spoke for nearly…
Thursday is GURPS-Day, but I’m glad I was late this week! The inimitable +Sean Punch updated the GURPS thread of his Livejournal, where he gives weekly work-in-progress notes, and this week was a doozy. Reposting the text here with some formatting changes, he announced: We set art deadlines and/or release dates for many projects that were moving…
We picked up having . . . just opened up a door into a room full of crystals pulsing with dark light in some sort of indiscipherable pattern. Some of them are magical, others are just full of what we assume is evil black ooze that glows with a black light, as strange as that is….