More Perilous Journeys: Two Days to Go!!
We defeated some Rock Mites and Slugbeasts in Kevin’s Eastmarch game. We beat them, and there were some prime adventurers who’d been killed in the same region whose bodies we got to loot. Coincidentally, they were killed on the same mission we’re on. Hmmm. In any case, Kevin rolled a bunch using Dungeon Fantasy 8:…
The next installment in the licensed adventures for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG is starting to really come together. Look for The Citadel at Nordvorn soon! I’ve got over 42,000 words written so far, and in super-dense text format (no art, only the barest of layout, and a very temporary background) I’m at 650 words per…
So things got busy in April, and I have only made piecemeal progress on the Heretical DnD project. The draft still stands at roughly 130,000 words, but there has been progress despite no more wordcount increases. I resolved some longstanding issues with the rules differentiating ranged and melee combat so that they were less differentiated…
Thursday is GURPSDay, and we’re going to get right to it! GURPSDay is currently pulling from 104 blogs on the roster. This GURPSDay quarterly summary reaches back for the last three months to pull what can be pulled from each blog on the list. As such . . . it’ll be long. GURPSDay is in…
I blame my kid. As someone who used to do gold evaporation for my PhD thesis, I was always shocked at just how heavy it it. We always talk about uranium and tungsten as being dense, and they are. They’re also hard, high-melting refractory materials, so they do occupy a unique place in the hearts…
Technically I’m sorta stealing this from the SJ Forums user Kallatari, but not exactly. There’s a thread that just cropped up on the Camouflage skill and the distinction between Camouflage and Stealth. This is an old discussion, but still mostly unresolved. Maybe a successful Camouflage roll subtracts from the bonus you get for being In Plain…