More Perilous Journeys: Two Days to Go!!
Status: So Very Close… We’ll just get this out of the way fast. We’re only $391 away from funding the More Perilous Journeys kickstarter, with a week to go. Anywhere from two (retail level) to about 16 pledges, and if the average holds, it’s about seven. The project also has a record-breaking 632 followers, of…
Taking a break from proofreading my own book to throw down with GURPSDay. Very soon I hope to start posting updates to the Dungeon Fantasy RPG adventure conversion “Hall of Justice,” which was cruelly and amusingly announced on April 1 of this year. It’s no joke, however, and the map I just procured from Glynn…
+Mark Langsdorf has a neat new campaign idea, Mecha Against the Giants, he’s working on. Go read it, then come back. Got it? Good. Anyway, as he and +Peter V. Dell’Orto discuss how to account for a giant’s DR, or basically deal with the issue that to something SM+4 (30′ tall), an M16 shouldn’t probably be much threat. That…
Very short post. Just re-read my alternate aim rules. They’re good. I really don’t think I’d change anything, and most of my “yeah, but . . . ” thoughts as I did re-read were included in the text shortly thereafter. Of course, they might not be to everyone’s taste, but I like the way they…
Once again, my efforts have nearly all been directed at the Bestiary. And this week there was a lot that happened. FnordCon4, digital convention, came and went. I think the RPG panel on Saturday went well enough, and the “how to write for SJGames” went very, very well indeed. What went on this week? Art:…
I’m a member of the Indie Game Developer Network. So when a member wrote that his Kickstarter was mid-swing, and a surfeit of real-life obligations prevented him from doing marketing for great justice (nod to Zero Wing). I offered to take a look at his product and review it. The Book of Nouns Well, yeah. The…