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Roleplay Rescue: Third Time Still the Charm

I joined Che Webster this morning on his Roleplay Rescue podcast. He’s in the UK, so the best time for us both was 6am for me, noon for him. It is, after all, a work day. This means there were a few times I lost the thread; too much blood in my caffeine stream. But…

Coming up for air!
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Coming up for air!

It has been a regrettably long time since I’ve posted here. But some personal and GB-professional things finally went to the to-done pile, from what seemed like a perpetual to-do. I hope this bodes well for my sanity, and the blog, going forward. So, what’s up? We finally sold the old house. That was nearly…

GB Update: 4PJ books in some backers’ hands; Future project overview
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GB Update: 4PJ books in some backers’ hands; Future project overview

Here’s a bit of a hodge-podge of updates for Gaming Ballistic. Sorry I’ve been content light for a bit; all of my efforts are going to the Nordlond Sagas writing and editing and layout. Books Arriving! I’m starting to get reports that the books are arriving in the USA. Excellent; that sounds about right. Some…