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Coming up for air!

It has been a regrettably long time since I’ve posted here. But some personal and GB-professional things finally went to the to-done pile, from what seemed like a perpetual to-do. I hope this bodes well for my sanity, and the blog, going forward.

So, what’s up?

  1. We finally sold the old house. That was nearly seven months of having one house and effectively two extra mortgage payments than I really wanted to have. More importantly for fans of the blog and Gaming Ballistic, it means that the nearly endless series of visits to fix up, adjust, prepare, clean, or otherwise deal with the older place are no longer on the list of things that might (and did!) disrupt other work. So very nice to be done with that.
  2. I now have three of four books from the Nordlond Sagas Kickstarter completely finished, and the fourth has all 112 pages of content in place, though we’re still in the “odds and ends” phase. That means proofreading, checking monster stats, getting marketing copy on the back cover of the book, indexing and hyperlinking, and of course getting all of the art finalized. While that sounds like a lot, it’s probably about a week of work. After that, the books go to the printer.
  3. I’m getting things in place for FnordCon 2, where I’ll mainly be there manning my booth and doing a few panels about TFT and the Dungeon Fantasy RPG/GURPS. I get to hang out with Sean, which is always a treat.

The real news for the publshing track is of course #2, but the mental, financial, and time-related drains on my energy from #1 were huge.

So hopefully in about a week the final PDFs for Nordlond Sagas go out. Then I take a short break for myself, and start digging into the next TFT project. Three of five manuscripts are already in, and the three together represent 48 laid-out pages . . . contrasted to The Dragons of Rosgarth, which came in at 112.

So this is a much more tightly-bound project set coming up, and I will have the mental and financial wherewithal to have a LOT more of it completely done by the time the crowdfunding campaign launches.

I should also have more bandwidth for, you know, actual gaming. I have some personal friends and family for whom I want to run some games, and an online game I want to join . . . which happens to be set in Nordlond. My setting. So woot to that.

More gaming means more writing about games, too. So that’s to the good. Needs to liven up in here.

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