GURPSDay Summary Dec 8 – Dec 14, 2017
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GURPSDay Summary Dec 8 – Dec 14, 2017

You say it’s your GURPSDay! It’s my GURPSDay too! You say it’s your GURPSDay, happy GURPSDay to you! Without further ado, here’s the pull for this week. We’re currently drawing content from 95 blogs. We added two to the rolls: n-Body Politics by kreios, and Daydreams of a Dragon, by Dragondog. We’re still picking up some feed…

Lost Hall of Tyr: PubGraphics Proofs Look Great!
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Lost Hall of Tyr: PubGraphics Proofs Look Great!

I am not surprised by this, but the PubGraphics proof arrived today (a day before the DriveThru one) and they look great. I have to ask them if there’s any way I could order 125 of these things and get them by Dec 19, though – otherwise they’ll likely arrive after I’m away for a…

Nice things to do for your TTRPG Group
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Nice things to do for your TTRPG Group

James Introcaso asked a simple question. What is the kindest thing a player can do for a GM? #DnD #RPG The answers are well worth reading. A few things spring to mind here, many of which are doubtless repeated in the thread. Show up on time If you’re not going to show or are going…