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GURPSDay Summary May 12 – May 18, 2017

Thursday is GURPSDay, and may Thor make your games a bit more exiting today!

Welcome to the second year of GURPSDay, and here’s the final pull for this week.

We’re currently drawing content from 86 blogs. Only 14 more to go until we’re pulling from 100! But we’ll need your help.

How? Two action items: post more, recruit more. It’s really that simple. More posters is more posts, and more interest in GURPS.

Below you can find the blog activity for the last week. There’s a whole lotta awesome GURPS going on. Read all 42 posts as of 11:30pmCST.

Not every blog posts about GURPS every week, but some are ridiculously prolific! The list is randomized, so different bloggers will be highlighted at the top of the post each week.

As always, if you’re interested in having your blog consolidated here, navigate over to The Instructions Page and drop me a line. Take special note of the RSS Settings Fix if you’re on WordPress.

Thor’s Grumblings (Dustin Tranberg)

Testsujin no Llama (Matt Riggsby)

Generic Universal Eggplant (Enraged Eggplant)

Mailanka’s Musings (Daniel Dover)

MoeLane.com (Moe Lane)

Gaming Ballistic (Douglas Cole)

Further Up the Spire (Archon Shiva)

Dungeon Fantastic (Peter Dell’Orto)

Dice and Lives (Joel Sammallahti)

Game Geekery (“Warren “”Mook”” Wilson”)

Ravens N’ Pennies (Christopher R. Rice)

Dice and Discourse (Joseph Mason)

One Yard Hex (Paul Stefko)

Octopus Carnival (Ubiratan Pires Alberton)

Dr. Kromm’s GURPS Livejournal (“Sean “”Dr. Kromm”” Punch”)

World of Domibia (Canology)

Bat in the Attic (Rob Conley)

A Literate Programmer’s Blog (The Literate Programmer)

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