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Dragon Heresy: $22,000 Stretch Goal Added for Even More Content
New Goal, Big Book In response to a few comments off line, the Dragon Heresy Kickstarter has added a stretch goal at $22,000 that will plus the book up to 304 or 320 pages. This would follow the coveted-by-me offset print run, and therefore be affordable (a 320-page POD costs more than the current retail…
Um, wow. And thanks!
+Jeffro Johnson put together his list of best blogs of 2014, and much to my surprise (especially since I had no idea this was being considered) Gaming Ballistic was his top choice. He was quite clear on his reasons, though: #1 on the list was my interview with +Steve Jackson, and the rest of the Firing Squad…
From Evil Overlords to PC Engagement – Tribality for the win
Over at, +Brandes Stoddard throws down a post called Playing with a Stranger’s Toys. Notionally it’s about the challenges of using other settings and adventures. He brings up a few examples, and a contrived scenario (not his own) where the players are put in the situation where they are being approached, on a ship, by another…
Modern Limb Armor – surprisingly controversial!
Yesterday’s mission wrap-up prompted some fairly strong (but limited – only one Anonymous poster and some comments by the players themselves) commentary about the “realism” and design of limb armor for our Alien Menace squad. Their personal armor is basically DragonSkin – the Advanced Body Armor from High-Tech, which provides DR 35 (10d). Problem was,…
GURPSDay Summary Feb 23, 2018 – Mar 1, 2018
Welcome to GURPSDay 2018, and the fourth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013, only a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. We’re currently drawing content from 98 blogs. We are so very, very close to having 100 GURPS blogs. We still need your help. And if you just started a GURPS blog – and I…
Dragon Heresy with 10-year-olds
I’ve started running a weekly game for my daughter (S), her cousin (T), and a friend of S’s from school (L). T is absolutely over the moon for Dragon Heresy, the 5e-derived, Viking-themed game that was my third Kickstarter. That project was smaller than I’d have wanted. I had written something like 800 pages worth…