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GURPS and Transhuman Space – fear of drowning
+Christian Blouin has started a new blog and a new campaign, and it’s in the 3rd edition setting of +David Pulver‘s Transhuman Space. This will wind up being a bit of a fact-free post, because while I own several of the books (at least two, and only in hard-copy), and have loved reading through them, I’ve always…
Um, wow. And thanks!
+Jeffro Johnson put together his list of best blogs of 2014, and much to my surprise (especially since I had no idea this was being considered) Gaming Ballistic was his top choice. He was quite clear on his reasons, though: #1 on the list was my interview with +Steve Jackson, and the rest of the Firing Squad…
Melee Skill Levels: A surplus of Awesome
Inspired by a post from +Patrick Halter. OK, so you’ve got a highly competent character. Maybe it’s DF. Maybe it’s Monster Hunters. But with 250-400 points and a smackdown focus, you can bring the hurt with the best of them. Problem is, you’re new to GURPS. Your GM is sitting there looking at you with that…

Almost at 80%; WIP of Dragon Hunt Cover
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GURPSDay – Broad and narrow perspective
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The Cutting Edge – stuff that didn’t make it
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