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GURPSDay Summary January 18, 2019 – January 24, 2019
Thursday is GURPSDay, and I’m on time this week! I’m still hard at work writing The Citadel at Nordvorn, a mini-setting with far too much going on for its my own good, but it’s at 39,000 words so far, and I’m nearly done putting (too many) details on the city, towns, and villages in place. I…

Aspects, Clustered Disads and GURPS
I’m gearing up to play in a DFRPG/DF game (I think DF) with Christopher Rice. My character will be a classic Elf Scout, with an extra 100 points baked in from the start for Reasons. He’s definitely a bad-ass. That being said, the way that you pick disads in GURPS can be rough. You need…
Playtesting – what do you look for?
I’ve playtested a lot of books for others. I read through, I do math, I occasionally use the rules (more now than in the past, because now I have a few game groups, and then I had none). This weekend, and soon in the future, my ever-expanding Heretical D&D project will get playtested. Sure, I’ve…

Big News from SJG: PDF Challenge and Amazon Page
A Whole ‘Nother Store: Amazon For folks that prefer getting their games from Amazon, or just to widen the opportunities for expanding their market, or just ’cause . . . SJG now has a custom presence on Amazon. This supplements the existing Warehouse 23 sales channel, and is hopefully more discoverable by folks. The Dungeon…

Last Call for Errata on ALL FOUR BOOKS of the Nordlond Sagas Kickstarter
Here’s the New Errata Page! I’m coming down to the end for The Dragons of Rosgarth. Today, “thanks” to Coronavirus-related school shutdowns and social distancing, plus a pair of kids who happily kept themselves occupied productively for nearly nine hours, I got the hyperlinking and indexing done. I also realized that I’d missed a whole page…