High Praise from the Chaotic GM: Meatgrinder Impressions
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High Praise from the Chaotic GM: Meatgrinder Impressions

This is a word-for word repost of a blog post by “The Chaotic GM.” He’s a Patreon member of mine, and I’ve been part of several forums he’s been on (SJGames, Discord, my own Gaming Ballistic forum on Discord, etc) for a while. He always gives great, constructive feedback. He’ll tell you what he likes, and what needs to change. So, without…

Gaming Ballistic today on “Talking Crit” Livestream (7pm Central/8pm Eastern)
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Gaming Ballistic today on “Talking Crit” Livestream (7pm Central/8pm Eastern)

I’m joining Erik Tenkar and Bad Mike of “Tenkar’s Tavern” to Talk Crit about gaming. I know we’ll be chatting about my lessons learned running Kickstarters and trying to launch a gaming company. Likely talk about grapping too, because of course I will. Other than that…who knows? Check it out, drop by, and I hope…

Actual Play: Hall of Judgment Play Report
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Actual Play: Hall of Judgment Play Report

This is a play report from my friend Euan, who goes by (E) on Discord and the SJGames Forums. He finally got a chance to play through Hall of Judgment… Characters  M Gamal A thief with the cover profession of healer. Nominal team leader.   Kierra Lugh (lou)  Barbarian, ST 21 spear and shield plus…