Ballistic’s Report for Week Ending Feb 26
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Ballistic’s Report for Week Ending Feb 26

Don’t Bury the Lede I was on the Talking Crit show with Erik Tenkar and “Bad Mike.” We spoke for over two hours. It was ridiculous fun. Gaming Ballistic Patreon To help with ongoing funding of art and speed eventual time to delivery, Gaming Ballistic started a Patreon in January 2021. Here’s the weekly update on Patreon…

Repost: FnordCon2.3 Announcement from SJGames
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Repost: FnordCon2.3 Announcement from SJGames

FnordCon Fun! We have so many things to pack into our one day of FnordCon on October 10, some highlights include: Seminars with Steve Jackson, Phil Reed, Guest of Honor Liz Danforth, Munchkin Dungeon designer Eric Lang, and SJ Games staff members and guests! Find out what’s new and upcoming for Munchkin, Car Wars, GURPS, TFT, and more! Games, including The Fantasy Trip, Z-Shot, a brand-new…

Crafting: Hide-faced Viking Shield Experiment
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Crafting: Hide-faced Viking Shield Experiment

Prelude   I’d been looking for a long time to find a source of very thin hide to try and face-and-back a shield. I had been told by my instructor at Asfolk Viking Martial Arts school that the evidence for a hide-faced shield was hit and miss; some were most likely raw wood, some were…