InDesign for Newbs: Adding a special line after a heading
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InDesign for Newbs: Adding a special line after a heading

Another quick use of GREP Find: (.*)\r Find Style: Topic (my header style) Change to: $0================> The key thing here is the $0, which is InDesign for “grab whatever you just found.” The equals signs and greater-than sign are actually what I get when I paste the graphic that Michael built in to my template….

Economizing on RPG Development Costs
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Economizing on RPG Development Costs

Earlier I went through and took a stab at what it costs to develop an RPG book. One can consider these, in somewhat imprecise terms, economic costs, rather than an accounting or cash-flow cost, in that it’s not required to write checks for all of them. Further, the costs presented represent doing everything on a contracting basis, and…

RPG Development Costs
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RPG Development Costs

I tend to be pretty transparent here at Gaming Ballistic, perhaps even too much so. Still, it came as a surprise to me – though it was, in a Rumsfeldian sense, a known unknown – just what it took to make a game. For example, I had always thought that print games were simply much…