Talking Crit: Two hours of fun
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Talking Crit: Two hours of fun

I was on the Talking Crit livestream with Erik Tenkar and “Bad Mike” last night. The overall topic was “the state of gaming and lessons learned on Kickstarter.” We covered a lot more than that. My old Firing Squad interviews, and transcripts of video streams COVID shots and the return to in-person gaming; especially the…

Character Collections: Day 5…first stretch goal to fall?
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Character Collections: Day 5…first stretch goal to fall?

Welcome to Day 5 of this 18-day project! Character Collections for The Fantasy Trip Status and Progress We funded in nine hours, and we are currently 27 backers from the first stretch goal of making character cards for CC1 177 backers from unlocking CC4: Wizards 377 backers from unlocking CC5: Merchants and Caravans 677 backers…