Dragon Heresy Podcast Week Continues
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Dragon Heresy Podcast Week Continues

Today two different podcasts dropped where I talk about Dragon Heresy and martial arts in RPGs in general. Down with DnD I was on Down with DnD with Christopher Sniezak, and the podcast just dropped. We spoke about the mechanics tweaks made to Fifth Edition to support a more-gritty, more option-filled viking play style that…

Dragon Heresy: $22,000 Stretch Goal Added for Even More Content
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Dragon Heresy: $22,000 Stretch Goal Added for Even More Content

New Goal, Big Book In response to a few comments off line, the Dragon Heresy Kickstarter has added a stretch goal at $22,000 that will plus the book up to 304 or 320 pages. This would follow the coveted-by-me offset print run, and therefore be affordable (a 320-page POD costs more than the current retail…

Dragon Heresy: Page Count, Cosmology, and first review
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Dragon Heresy: Page Count, Cosmology, and first review

I thought it was worth explaining in more detail what’s actually in the Dragon Heresy Introductory Set. Other Updates from the Dragon Heresy Kickstarter Welcome to Dragon Heresy! (blog/KS link) A Great Beginning: the first 24 hours (blog/KS link) Hail to the Shield-Guard! The Skjald-hirð carries the day! (FUNDED!) (blog/KS link) Designer’s Notes, and Shields with at…