Under Construction
FYI, this space will change without warning for a while, until I figure this stuff out. I’ll likely be stealing shamelessly from Dungeon Fantastic, ’cause it’s awesome.
FYI, this space will change without warning for a while, until I figure this stuff out. I’ll likely be stealing shamelessly from Dungeon Fantastic, ’cause it’s awesome.
So, my daughter is in a small school that does very interactive history studies. So last time, they did Ancient Egypt, and made canopic jars, faux jewelry for the pharaohs, etc. This time, they’re doing Ancient Greece, and since she’s a huge Wonder Woman fan, and a big fan of costumes in general, I thought…
There’s a pretty interesting thread over on the forums where someone was asking a bunch of questions about Martial Arts and Technical Grappling. So +Peter V. Dell’Orto and I are both happy. But one point the author makes is that if you take two fighters, one ridiculously skilled and the other not-so-much, that as awesome as their…
Another throwback while I edit 90 minutes of video from my daughter’s musical peformance last weekend and ensure I meet my Violent Resolution commits. Today’s throwback is a series of posts that deal with the impaling damage type. The first is from Jan 2013, basically within a month of starting the blog, where I complain…
We re basically recovering and shopping. We kicked the local ruler’s elite troops collective asses in games of skill. Horseback riding, archery, and wrestling. Cadmus takes no share of treasure this time, giving his mates a leg up in buying cool stuff. Nate said I can hold it “on account” next time. Since we each…
Joined +Christian Blouin, +Jason Woollard , +Arne Jamtgaard , +Paul Stefko , and Gordon for my first session of his Dwarf-based campaign. It started in media res, with Drolf, my borrowed PC-turned-NPC-turned-PC literally teetering on the edge of a 30m drop, having been pushed there by an enormous angry tree creature: a Huorn. Something that’s not an Ent. But big, mad, and…