Under Construction
FYI, this space will change without warning for a while, until I figure this stuff out. I’ll likely be stealing shamelessly from Dungeon Fantastic, ’cause it’s awesome.
FYI, this space will change without warning for a while, until I figure this stuff out. I’ll likely be stealing shamelessly from Dungeon Fantastic, ’cause it’s awesome.
The Dragon Heresy RPG player-centric book is finished, at least in complete first draft form. Based off of an extensively edited and modified SRD5.1, the player’s book consists of roughly 172,000 words, or between 235-275 laid-out pages depending on how that goes. You can see the raw dump of the Table of Contents below. This…
We got together with a small sample of the B-Team for the first time in over six months. I think we decided the last time we played was June. +Erik Tenkar has been on a White Star (by +James Spahn ) kick, so we left S&W behind and rolled up characters for White Star. This is a retro-clone, using…
Work still nuts, but here’s a blatant shill: go buy DF16: Wilderness Adventures, by +Sean Punch. I have read perhaps two pages of this, and the biggest thing that strikes me right off the top is that it reads like Sean just had oodles and oodles of pure, unadulterated fun writing this. From the Introduction to the…
When I wrote the post on making snap decisions under fire, I touched on aiming a bit, as well as tracking targets. I’m going to revisit that a bit, somewhat inspired by this thread, but not entirely. I’m going to be speaking qualitatively here, since some of the ideas kicking around in my head might…
Just for fun, I used the Damage = 4 * Log5(Kinetic Energy) conversion on a longer list of cartridges than I provided here. As you can see, most weapons fit into a fairly small range of stats. The .22LR does about as much damage as a shortbow (between 1d6+3 and 1d6+4), where a 7.62 Battle…