GURPSDay! Aug 23 to Sept 12, 2019
It’s another GURPSDay, and here’s the last few weeks of posts! The Dungeon Fantasy Magic Items 2 Kickstarter came and went, and was super-close – like less than $950 – from getting to its singular stretch goal of 64 pages instead of 48. All may not be lost, however, and the Backerkit phase will start when SJG is ready.
The other big news is that if you want more Dungeon Fantasy RPG, well, you can have it. My 8th Kickstarter, Norðvorn Sagas, launched this past Tuesday. It had the strongest first day of any Kickstarter I’ve yet launched, even better by a few bucks than Four Perilous Journeys. It’s currently sitting just shy of 80% funding, and is roughly halfway to the “300 physical orders” first stretch goal. Given the trajectory of Kickstarters, we’re in a good position to threaten the $29K stretch goal as well, but of course we need help.
In any case, we’re here for GURPSDay, so scroll all the way down (the random order is, well, random). Catch up and get some repeat views and if you missed some. They’re in reverse chronological order, so if you’re up-to-date, just skim off the top!
News for Gaming Ballistic:
- My second print proof on Dungeon Grappling has still not arrived, despite being told it was on the way nine days ago. I’m starting to think I need a new PoD company. That’s a real shame..
I ordered all physical goods for Four Perilous Journeys except for the international card decks and counter tiles. There are some lingering questions on whether Kickstarter rewards not available through retail must be certified/marked with CE Mark. I don’t THINK so, but I need to chat with folks.
- I have not yet heard back from my printer on whether the Four Perilous Journeys files have been accepted. This is odd, and I’m also waiting for some quotes from them, so I will keep at it. Weird week for communication.
- I announced the approval of the Nordlond Enemies Book (tentatively titled Norðlondr Óvinabókin) as my next approved Dungeon Fantasy RPG project. It’s still in the future, but if the current KS takes off and we hit somewhere around the $75,000 level (yes, this is ‘irrationally exuberant given that level of funding usually requires a first-two-day total on the order of $20-25K) I can self-fund it.
GURPSDay is in its sixth – GURPSDay started in February 2013, a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. Things have slowed down a bit, and I’ll be considering how to revitalize this weekly activity. I’d like to see an average of 100 posts here per week – one per blog, ish – so we’ll see what we can do to get creative juiced flowing.If you just started a GURPS blog – and I know that some of you have – email me and get on the list! With the advent of the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, Powered by GURPS, there’s even more reason to write.
How? Two action items: post more, recruit more. It’s really that simple. More posters is more posts, and more interest in GURPS.
Below you can find the blog activity for the last week. There’s a whole lotta awesome GURPS going on. Read all the posts.
Not every blog posts about GURPS every week, but some are ridiculously prolific! The list is randomized, so different bloggers will be highlighted at the top of the post each week.
As always, if you’re interested in having your blog consolidated here, navigate over to The Instructions Page and drop me a line. Take special note of the RSS Settings Fix if you’re on WordPress.
Gaming Ballistic (Douglas Cole)
- The Nordlond Setting keeps growing (9/12/19)
- Nordlond Sagas: Strong Launch (9/10/19)
- Coming Next Week: Nordlond Sagas (9/08/19)
- GURPSDay! Aug 16 to Sept 5, 2019 (9/05/19)
- DFRPG Kickstarter: Magic Items 2 (9/05/19)
- GURPSDay! Aug 9 to Aug 31, 2019 (8/31/19)
- That’s a lot of RPGs on the list (8/31/19)
- September: A GREAT Month for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG (8/29/19)
- GURPSDay! July 26 to Aug 23, 2019 (8/23/19)
Dr. Kromm’s GURPS Livejournal (“Sean “”Dr. Kromm”” Punch”)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (9/06/19)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (8/30/19)
Noh RPG Group (binn05)
Above the Flatline (Timothy Ponce)
- Some Hex Mapping (9/08/19)
- Guilds of Alnwich: The Brotherhood of the All-Seeing Star (8/26/19)
RogerBW’s Blog (Roger Bell-West)
- GURPS Powers: Totems and Nature Spirits, Rory Fansler (9/09/19)
- Announcing The Path of Cunning (9/05/19)
Refplace (Rory)
- Vanity/Status Post (9/12/19)
- The Cunning Path, a fanzine for GURPS (9/05/19)
- It Should Have Been Obvious… (9/04/19)
- Dwarven Federation Martial Style – Stones Breath (9/01/19)
- GURPS Prime Directive (9/01/19)
- Dwarven Federation Martial Styles – Thunder and Lightning (8/31/19)
- Dwarven Federation Martial Style – Silver Guard (8/31/19)
- Dwarven Federation Martial Styles – Granite Guard (8/31/19)
- Commonwealth Martial Style – The Watch (8/31/19)
- Commonwealth Martial Style – Three Swords School (8/30/19)
- Leapers Martial Style – Flying Sticks (8/30/19)
- Commonwealth Martial Style – The Flynn School (8/30/19)
- Commonwealth Martial Style – Dashing Fox (8/29/19)
- Commonwealth Martial Styles -Board and Blade (8/24/19)
Sharrukin’s Palace (Jon F. Zeigler)
- Status Report (29 August 2019) (8/29/19)
Dungeon Fantastic (Peter Dell’Orto)
- DFRPG Monsters 2 arrived (9/12/19)
- Nobody plays the game I play, say the internet (9/11/19)
- Douglas Cole’s new DFRPG Support (9/10/19)
- The Inexpensive Missile Spells of Felltower (9/09/19)
- Critical Hits & Failures on Hitting the Wrong Target (9/06/19)
- Crogar the Cursed (9/04/19)
- Custom minis from Felltower 92 (9/03/19)
- GURPS DF Session 120, Felltower 92 – Entering the Forest Gate (9/02/19)
- DFRPG Magic Items 2 Kickstarter is up (9/02/19)
- Felltower pre-summary (9/02/19)
- Random Links for Friday 8/30 (8/31/19)
- Frequency of Maneuvers in my GURPS games (8/30/19)
- Reading from Storage: GURPS Martial Arts Adventures (8/27/19)
- Felltower Forest Gate (8/27/19)
- Felltower: What does Arctic Gear include? (8/26/19)
- Upcoming Gaming (8/23/19)
Game Geekery (“Warren “”Mook”” Wilson”)
- GURPS for One-Shots (9/10/19) – A road map of what I’m hoping the GURPS For One-Shots series of posts will ultimately cover.
- Gateway 2019, Post-Con Wrap Up (9/08/19) – Had another rollicking good romp through the multidimensional city streets of Locus at the Gateway 2019 convention, and we even made the PCs at the table instead of using pre-gens.
Dungeons on Automatic (Kyle Norton)
- Token Tuesday: as-Sharak (9/11/19)
Northport (Denis McCarthy)
- Minicon Recap (8/29/19)
- The Redoubt of Hades at Manhattan Minicon (8/24/19)
Traveller Adventures (Michael Thompson)
- Crossing Over with Another Game (8/24/19)
— (Moe Lane)
- GURPS In Nomine Revisited: Swedenborg-1 (9/05/19)
- Infinity Thumbnails Revisited: Maxmilian [Quantum 7] (8/31/19)
— (Che Webster)
- Making Artefact Cards (9/08/19)
GURPS Mega Dungeon (John Morrison)
- SJG Print on Demand (9/05/19)
Mailanka’s Musings (Daniel Dover)
- A Conditional Injury Deep Dive (9/12/19)
- The Redjack Grappler-Class Assault Boat (9/11/19)
- The Redjack Razer-Class Mining Engine (9/10/19)
- The Redjack Roughneck-Class Mobile Defense Platform (9/09/19)
- Collated Rules: The Psionic Powers of Psi-Wars (9/05/19)
- The Redjack Wolfhound-Class Light Assault Vehicle (9/04/19)
- The Redjack Switchback-Class Utility Hyanide (9/03/19)
- Redjack Military Doctrine (9/02/19)
- A Patreon Thank You: Space Knight Art Preview (8/27/19)
- The State of (My) GURPS Vehicles Addendum: My Process (8/24/19)
Don’t Forget Your Boots (Mitch French)
Olympus RPG Group (The Olympus RPG Group)
- GURPS Action: Consular Operations, S2E11 (9/10/19) – Our GURPS Action: Consular Operations campaign continues. The team hits an arms deal in the Presidential Suite of the Burj Al-Arab. They kill some guys, make a new friend, shoot an old enemy, and make off with some intel.
- GURPS Action: Consular Operations, S2E10 (8/27/19) – Our GURPS Action: Consular Operations campaign continues. The team attempts to leave the Muscat airport to regroup with Mahoney, which turns out to be more difficult, and costly, than expected.
Generic Universal Eggplant (Enraged Eggplant)
- Monsters: Yuan-Ti (9/12/19)
- Monster: Yrthak (9/11/19)
- Monster: Yeth Hound (9/10/19)
- Monster: Xorn (9/09/19)
- Monster: Xill (9/08/19)
- Monsters: Wraiths (9/07/19)
- Monsters: Zombies (9/06/19)
- Monster: Winter Wolf (9/05/19)
- Monster: Worg (9/04/19)
- Monster: Will-o’-wisp (9/03/19)
- Monster: Wight (9/02/19)
- Monster: Vargouille (9/01/19)
- Lens/Monsters: Vampires (8/31/19)
- Monsters: Unicorns (8/30/19)
- Monster: Troglodyte (8/29/19)
- Monster: Triton (8/29/19)
- Monster: Treant (8/27/19)
- Monster: Tojanida (8/26/19)
- Monster: Titan (8/25/19)
- Monster: Tendriculos (8/24/19)
- Monster: Tarrasque (8/23/19)
Octopus Carnival (Ubiratan Pires Alberton)
- Dungeon Fantasy Character: Argle, Half-Ogre Scout (9/10/19)
- Dungeon Fantasy Character: Sakura, Warforged Duelist (9/08/19)
Ravens N’ Pennies (Christopher R. Rice)
- Gamemaster’s Guidepost: Learning From Your Mistakes (9/12/19)
- Carpe Blogiem: AEON Primer – Setting History I (9/11/19)
- Carpe Blogeim: AEON Primer – Setting Assumptions (9/07/19)
- The Hurt Locker: Totem Blade (9/06/19)
- Boil and Bubble: Lunar Ritual Path Magic (9/05/19)
- GURPS101: More Psychokinesis Powers for Psionic Powers II (9/05/19)
- The Hurt Locker: Potion of Rejuvenation (9/05/19)
- The Hurt Locker: Lucky Bracelet (9/04/19)
- The Hurt Locker: Bloodblade (9/03/19)
- The Hurt Locker: Spell Container (9/02/19)
Insidious GURPS Planning (Mr. Insidious)
World of Domibia (Canology)
- Triple the Fun! (8/26/19)
- Why I like low-powered games (8/25/19)
Frak Frel and Other F Words (Rigil Kent)
- GamePrep: ConsOps, 2.12 (9/12/19) – Rambling in an attempt to flesh out the GURPS Action game I will run in Fantasy Grounds on 9/14/2019. No stats abused and this is far more stream of consciousness than I would like, especially considering how quickly Saturday is looming…
- GM Commentary: ConsOps, 2.11 (9/09/19) – Discussion about the GURPS Action game I ran in Fantasy Grounds on 9/7/2019 which was essentially one long firefight. No stats harmed but link to the YouTube recording. Reflections on what went right and what went wrong.
- GamePrep: ConsOps, 2.11, Part 1 (8/31/19) Attempting to flesh out the GURPS Action game I will run in Fantasy Grounds on 9/7/2019. No stats abused and this is far more stream of consciousness than I would like…
- GM Commentary: ConsOps, 2.10 (8/25/19) – Discussion about the GURPS Action game I ran in Fantasy Grounds on 8/24/2019 which ended up resulting in a PC fatality. No stats harmed but link to the YouTube recording. Reflections on what went right and what (mostly) went wrong.
One Shot Adventures (J.C. Connors)
Improvised Radio Theatre – With Dice (RogerBW)
- Uninfected Curates (9/01/19)
DF Whiterock (dripton)
- DF Whiterock Session 63: Through the Portal (9/10/19)
- DF Whiterock Session 62: Riders of the Purple Worms (9/05/19)
- DF Whiterock Session 61: Duergar Guardroom (8/28/19)
There is some mention of Fantastic Dungeon Grappling in my post of 8/29