Nordlond Sagas: One More Day, New Hand of Asgard preview
Well, here we go! The last 24 hours of a Kickstarter campaign are always the most exciting (ulcer inducing? You pick). Nordlond Sagas will very clearly partake in that trend.
I’ve been getting a lot of manuscript updates from the authors, who are all working to make my life easier in many ways. Revising text, checking formatting, and playtesting in the background.
With that, though, it’s well past time for another glimpse of something. In this case, another page from Hand of Asgard.

This is totally not Hela, Norse goddess of death. Nope. If it were, she’d look like Cate Blanchett, clearly.
Even though this is Norse-flavored, Kevin has done a fantastic job in capturing these as archetypes, so that with a bit of care, they could be worked in as “domain” flavored clerics in any game.
Until tomorrow, then . . . come check out the Nordlond Sagas. Four new books for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG!