More Perilous Journeys – Revised Pledges and more!
I got a lot of great feedback on the More Perilous Journeys campaign page, and as a result, I’ve made substantial revisions to the campaign page. The campaign was originally kept very simple. Print+PDF or PDF; all the new stuff, or all the new stuff AND the old stuff.
Simple, yes. But folks want what they want, and TFT folks know what they want. And YOU let me know what you wanted.
So I adapted.
There are still tiers that sweep up all the TFT books that GB is making, and has made. But now there are also a few more options. Also, discounts for jumping in on the Kickstarter to help get it funded. Check out the new pledges, prices, and campaign overview. And tell all your friends.
All the New Stuff
There are two reward levels that get you all five of the new adventures being offered during the More Perilous Journeys campaign.
Includes Roc of Sages, Catcombs of Living Death, The Sunken Library, Dragon Hunt!, and Dark Lord’s Doom in PDF format.
Includes Roc of Sages, Catcombs of Living Death, The Sunken Library, Dragon Hunt!, and Dark Lord’s Doom in both softcover print and PDF format.
ALL The Stuff, Old and New
If you missed out on the first campaign (Five Perilous Journeys), and you still want it all, these two reward levels are just what you’re looking for.
This pledge level includes the five new adventures (Roc of Sages, Catcombs of Living Death, The Sunken Library, Dragon Hunt!, and Dark Lord’s Doom), as well as the five adventures produced in the Five Perilous Journeys campaign (Crown of Eternity, Curse of the Pirate King, Citadel of Ice, Ironskull Castle, and the solo Vamprire Hunter Belladonna).
This pledge level includes the five new adventures (Roc of Sages, Catcombs of Living Death, The Sunken Library, Dragon Hunt!, and Dark Lord’s Doom), as well as the five adventures produced in the Five Perilous Journeys campaign (Crown of Eternity, Curse of the Pirate King, Citadel of Ice, Ironskull Castle, and the solo adventure Vamprire Hunter Belladonna).
The Jok Sevantes Campaign
The five adventures written by Christopher R. Rice and J. Edward Tremlett form a campaign arc that provides for a whole lot of adventuring. If you want these five books as a set, here’s your chance!
PDF copies of the five linked adventures that form the “Jok Sevantes” campaign arc. These include Crown of Eternity, Curse of the Pirate King, Roc of Sages, Catacombs of Living Death, and The Sunken Library. (These five adventures retail for $32)
Print and PDF copies of the five linked adventures that form the “Jok Sevantes” campaign arc. These include Crown of Eternity, Curse of the Pirate King, Roc of Sages, Catacombs of Living Death, and The Sunken Library. (This reward would retail for $87)
Just the Solo Adventures
TFT fans seem to really love solo adventures, and let the publishers know this regularly. So, if that’s what you want, here you go!
You want solos? Portable, no-shelf-space-required solos? You got ’em. All three of David’s solo/programmed adventures that Gaming Ballistic has produced, and ONLY the solo/programmed adventures, in PDF format. Includes Vampire Hunter Belladonna, Dragon Hunt!, and Dark Lord’s Doom. Both of the new adventures can be run as group adventures with or without a GM.
You want solos? You got ’em. All three of David’s solo/programmed adventures that he’s written for Gaming Ballistic in both Print and PDF format. Includes Vampire Hunter Belladonna, Dragon Hunt!, and Dark Lord’s Doom. Both of the new adventures can be run as group adventures with or without a GM.
Pick and Choose
Sometimes, you just want what you want. Based on backer feedback (and no small amount of discussion with Backerkit), Gaming Ballistic is pleased to offer some a la carte pledge levels.
After choosing one of these levels, during the Backerkit phase of the project, you will select from the ten available TFT adventures from Gaming Ballistic.
The following reward levels are PDF-ONLY.
- $6 – Choose any ONE PDF
- $12 – Choose any TWO PDFs
- $18 – Choose any THREE PDFs
The following reward levels are PRINT-ONLY. No PDF is included with these pledge levels!
- $12 – Choose any ONE softcover print adventure
- $22 – Choose any TWO softcover print adventures
- $33 – Choose any THREE softcover print adventures
What more?
I’ve also added some preview images that give a much better idea of what the books will look like. Some are work-in-progress, others represent past books, but since I’m using the same art team . . . pretty representative!
The covers for the five new books utilize the same template as those from Five Perilous Journeys. Inspired by the iconic Megahex tiles of The Fantasy Trip, here are two example of the cover layouts. Of course, the images will be added later!

I’ve already selected Ksenia Kozhovnikova to illustrate Dragon Hunt! And she knows dragons!

My art team is pretty consistent from project to project, though I’m always looking for outstanding new talent. Here’s the cover of Citadel of Ice, done by Rick Troula for the last campaign:

Art, Maps, and Layout
Layout and editing are underway, and will continue as the campaign progresses. Here’s a screen capture from Roc of Sages, which is substantially complete in layout, needing only more fine-tuning of the language. It is representative of both the prior books, and the format of the upcoming products. The maps (see below) will be replaced by Glynn with something more than a rough sketch!

TFT is a tactical battle game, and a roleplaying game. But good maps make for good fights. Fortunately, I’ve good good help. Glynn Seal, the ENnie Gold Medal cartographer in 2018 for his work on his Midderlands setting, has once again agreed to provide the maps for these five new books.
Here’s an example of his B/W work from Vampire Hunter Belladonna, featuring a tactical hex-map.

One more spread! This one from Citadel of Ice, showing a topographical map of the titular Citadel on the rapidly disintegrating iceberg, as well as a tracker who has clearly made a very poor 3/IQ roll.

I hope that, despite the art and maps being mostly pending, these images give you a feel for what the team shall provide.
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