Nordlond Bestiary: Preview Link is Live
The preview link for the Nordlond Bestiary is now up and viewable. It launches at 9am Central Time Thursday, November 18 and runs four weekends and three weeks through December 7.
The preview link for the Nordlond Bestiary is now up and viewable. It launches at 9am Central Time Thursday, November 18 and runs four weekends and three weeks through December 7.
Brandon Blackmoor (and if that’s his real name, he needs to be an action hero; if it’s not, good choice anyway) threw down this request yesterday: I am contemplating a fantasy campaign where the PCs are people from our world (any time period) who are summoned (like demons) to a fantasy world. For reasons of…
+Harold Bauerle had an interesting comment/idea in response to my post yesterday. He posited . . . well, I’ll just quote his idea in full: Totally off the top of my head, but what if there was a stat whereby if you fired too many shot with a weapon it became Unready, and would need to…
While I’m sure I’ll follow my narcissistic tradition of doing a full-issue review of Pyramid #3/76 – Dungeon Fantasy IV, I did want to drop in and note that yes, I do have an article in it, which I co-wrote with +Peter V. Dell’Orto. This isn’t a designer’s notes post, but I do want to…
I like it. I like that you need to have lots of different skills and abilities to make a character work. I like that one rolled or chosen high score doesn’t eliminate most of the challenges for a character. I like having to make choices as to what I’m good at (not that I mind…
Citadel At Nordvorn: Final Tally When all was said and done, when the campaign ended on March 24, we’d done very, very well. 200% funding, a new-record 600 backers, and also a new-record (for me) $26,000. Officially my best campaign ever. We hit the goals for 128 pages, and a high-quality offset print run with…