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Artifacts of Legend PDF in mailboxes; Saga on Thursday

Happy Unruly Colonists Day!

Here in MN, it’s raining like crazy  and the prognosticators expect this to continue off and on all day, with maximum chance of maximum thunderstorms right around the time we’re supposed to set off explosives and stuff. Dang it.

Artifacts of Legend Pushed!

However, as a consolation prize for me, I pushed Artifacts of Legend u20230704 to your Backerkit boxes.

If you’ve completed your survey, you will find an email from Backerkit allowing you to navigate to and download the file.

You have completed the survey, right? (Ahem: for 40 folks the answer is “not yet, but I’m going to get right on that!”)

This is a “penultimate” file, in that there are still hyperlinks to hyperlink but I always do that as the very, very last step, because it’s tedious and manual and I don’t want to do it twice.

Also, there’s a chance that the proofers, playtesters, and I have missed a few typos or something, or that there’s some mistake that needs fixing.

If you find something, please submit it on the Gaming Ballistic Errata page. Choose the correct file, and use the form to let me know there’s an issue. It really is the best way for me to ensure that such matters are addressed properly.

Artifacts of Saga Thursday

I also have a complete version of Artifacts of Saga, but I want to wait until Thursday to push that one, as I would like a day or two to give it the same degree of final editing pass that Legends got. But definitely expect the book by the end of the week. There’s one art tweak I’d like to make, and I’ll make it if the artist gets back to me by then; it “should” be an easy fix, but Life Happens.

Still Not Too Late!

Late pledges are still being accepted on Backerkit, at the same price and with the same options as the main campaign. They will remain open until it’s time to place the manufacturing order … so probably another 10 days or so.

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