Talking Crit: Two hours of fun
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Talking Crit: Two hours of fun

I was on the Talking Crit livestream with Erik Tenkar and “Bad Mike” last night. The overall topic was “the state of gaming and lessons learned on Kickstarter.” We covered a lot more than that. My old Firing Squad interviews, and transcripts of video streams COVID shots and the return to in-person gaming; especially the…

Five Perilous Journeys-Decks of Destiny Cards finally unboxed!
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Five Perilous Journeys-Decks of Destiny Cards finally unboxed!

At long last, Gaming Ballistic receives a few copies of the card decks – Decks of Destiny style – created for Five Perilous Journeys. I thought all of them had been delivered to backers, but turns out there were three remaining in the UK. They arrived today! These decks are representative of what is available…