
New Look for Gaming Ballistic

We’ll see if people like it or hate it. I hope it grows on y’all.

I wanted a logo that would look good on a red background, because I’d like to get a GB sweatshirt designed, and the red dice weren’t going to work.

So I recreated the dice using powerpoint (yeah, yeah) and put them in blue. Then I picked out a Blogger style with a red background.

I then used a program called Pixie by Nattyware to pick out the RGB colors of the pre-determined fade, and let PowerPoint match them, putting it behind my logo.

Upload, and it’s not bad.

I’m a few posts short from 300 posts, so it seemed time to make a change.

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  1. I can dig the logo, definitely. I'm not sure about the all red though; I feel like the different sections all bleed together a bit.

  2. A wash in the red. A little break up in the color would be good. But, the important thing is I can still read everything without struggling. Some colors and fonts make it tough.

  3. I don't know what other people are seeing, or not seeing, that makes them think it's not good. Looks fine to me. Readable (much better than white on black, as a couple of blogs I read do), reasonably pleasant, and distinctive.

  4. Not too keen on the red. It's readable, but the white text is too stark against the red.

    Also, it makes the various columns of the site blend together too much.

    1. Ooooh yeah, it makes some of your other posts look really awful. I don't mind the white on red so much overall, I just wish that everything (the columns, the different posts) didn't bleed together quite so much.

  5. Better, though I still prefer the old style. However, this does seem usable, unlike the red.

    1. Hah! Has a sort of dockers and knit shirt feel, doesn't it.

      It really is a shame the red-and-yellow look was pretty universally despised. I kinda thought it popped. But the point about older pictures was a good one.

  6. I for one prefer the red to the yellow selected purely because the yellow selected veers a tad too close to 'vomit' for me. But I will continue reading regardless.

  7. I read the posts through the RSS feed in my email client, so I don't care about the colour scheme except on the rare occasion there's something with graphics.

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