Lost Hall of Tyr: 75% Funded, and map preview
Progress Update
We’re doing reasonably well . . . about 75% of the way there in the first 2 1/2 days of the campaign, and before a weekend. Hopefully that bodes well. We’re at $1900 of $2500 to fund, so that’s promising. Lost Hall of Tyr is close to making the first hurdle!
I thought I’d throw down a few glimpses of the work Day Roy (Bogie Maps) is doing to bring the encounter areas to life.
This area might be all bark and no bite . . . but I seriously doubt it.

And here’s an internal preview of the Lost Hall itself:

That room has seen better days. I mean, it’s still neater than my house if I take my eyes off my kids for an hour . . . actually, I think that door looks familiar.
And here’s a nice little place for a picnic. Or ambush.

Six Maps. All this good.
The maps are wonderful, and portable. Most of them will make great encounter maps for any game.
The nice thing about them is them make me want to do even more with them. I’m strongly considering beefing up the Lower Hall especially. I have such tantalizing and seductive possibilities in my mind.
Things are progressing on the art front as well. While two of the images are just done, three more – the cover, and images by John and Roland, are in progress, and I expect them in a week or so. I’ll cover the artists in more detail in a bit.
Until then, thanks for the support thus far!
I don’t play 5e *at all*, but I think I may well back this just to see it come to fruition.
You should. And bring all your friends!
> Implying I have friends