The Dungeon Fantasy RPG, Powered by GURPS
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GURPSDay Summary Sept 28, 2018 – Oct 4, 2018

Thursday is GURPSDay, and we’re going to get right to it! GURPSDay is currently pulling from 104 blogs on the roster.

GURPSDay is in its fifth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013,  a year after I started Gaming Ballistic.

The Dungeon Fantasy RPG, Powered by GURPSIf you just started a GURPS blog – and I know that some of you have – email me and get on the list! With the advent of the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, Powered by GURPS, there’s even more reason to write.

How? Two action items: post more, recruit more. It’s really that simple. More posters is more posts, and more interest in GURPS.

Below you can find the blog activity for the last week. There’s a whole lotta awesome GURPS going on. Read all the posts.

Not every blog posts about GURPS every week, but some are ridiculously prolific! The list is randomized, so different bloggers will be highlighted at the top of the post each week.

As always, if you’re interested in having your blog consolidated here, navigate over to The Instructions Page and drop me a line. Take special note of the RSS Settings Fix if you’re on WordPress.

Gaming Ballistic (Douglas Cole)

Generic Universal Eggplant (Enraged Eggplant)

Dr. Kromm’s GURPS Livejournal (“Sean “”Dr. Kromm”” Punch”) (Rindis)

Jerrils Miscelania (Jerril)

Dungeon Fantastic (Peter Dell’Orto)

Let’s GURPS (Pseudonym)

Olympus RPG Group (The Olympus RPG Group)

  • GURPS: Banestorm: Embers of Defiance, Book III, Session 2.08 (10/03/18) – Eighth episode of the second “season” for our ongoing GURPS: Banestorm campaign using Fantasy Grounds and streamed on our Olympus Twitch channel. Scattered throughout Kelmarane in the Djinn Lands, the warband must reunite and complete their mission.

Noh RPG Group (binn05)

Refplace (Rory)

DF Whiterock (dripton)

Dark Paths and Wandered Roads (Jason Woollard)

  • Sundered Lands 50 (10/04/18) – After some healing and regrouping, the team splits up to better explore the nearby caverns. The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
  • Wandered Roads 49 (9/28/18) – The Heroes of Sandpoint make their way out of the swamp and back to Magnimar. There, they sell their loot and plan their next adventure. The ongoing adventures of the Heroes of Sandpoint in our Wandered Roads of Varisia GUPRS campaign.

Daydreams of a Dragon (Dragondog)

Above the Flatline (Timothy Ponce)

Mailanka’s Musings (Daniel Dover)

Ravens N’ Pennies (Christopher R. Rice)

Octopus Carnival (Ubiratan Pires Alberton)

Improvised Radio Theatre – With Dice (RogerBW)

Lair of the Chaotic GM (ChaoticGM)

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