GB on Roleplay Rescue Podcast: All about GURPS
I joined host Che Webster on his podcast Roleplay Rescue. The entire subject was GURPS and the Dungeon Fantasy RPG.
Ep 502: Talking GURPS with Douglas Cole
I joined host Che Webster on his podcast Roleplay Rescue. The entire subject was GURPS and the Dungeon Fantasy RPG.
I love talking with gamers about gaming I joined Mike on the Who What Why? podcast a few days ago. We talked about the Nordlond setting for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, the Delvers to Grow project, and quite a bit more. Who, What, Why? S28.E01 :: Delvers to Grow with Doug Cole May 13, 2021…
It’s Monster Monday again, and today I give you trolls. They’re a classic part of norse mythology and legend, and have been tweaked a bit to fit with the Dragon Heresy cosmology. Four sub-types are presented, based on both the SRD and my team’s reading of the legends themselves. There’s a troll here for every…
A while back I commented that there seemed to be a real advantage to megadungeon play where it came to front-loading the prep. Well, we brought little Melody back from the hospital today, and looking forward to our first night home, I had been hoping to get in a session after we put my eldest…
…my art team. Because they’re making me look good. Or at least better. I don’t know if I could ever look good. Serpents of Legend now has a cover. This is simply top-notch work by Douglas Deri, who’s new to my team but hopefully he’s enjoyed the experience enough to return. Much of his work for this…
Ship Approval Well. I got ship approval before I finished typing the “I need to get ship approval” part of this update. That’s fantastic, and kudos to Alain for being so prompt! I have sent out the 48-hour warning that says I intend to lock orders and charge cards for those who have filled out…
I am making slow but steady process on The Citadel at Nordvorn, my first of three upcoming supplements for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. It’s set in the same world as Hall of Judgment, but will easily be portable to any other game world with the right tweakage. I can see Nordvorn as it takes shape,…