GB on Roleplay Rescue Podcast: All about GURPS
I joined host Che Webster on his podcast Roleplay Rescue. The entire subject was GURPS and the Dungeon Fantasy RPG.
Ep 502: Talking GURPS with Douglas Cole
I joined host Che Webster on his podcast Roleplay Rescue. The entire subject was GURPS and the Dungeon Fantasy RPG.
Dramatis Personae The Commander (Doug) – telekinetic super-soldier with a really angry dog (Yukio). The dog is a powerful ally (250-300 points) and very intelligent and very, very aggressive. Arc Light (Christian) – battlsuited gadgeteer with electrical powers The Rat Queen (Emily) – brick with super-perception; made of actual rats Eamon Finnegan (Kyle) – smooth…
Had an interesting question from +Mark Langsdorf about a situation that arose in his Mecha Against the Giants campaign. A SM+2 mecha (6 tons, ST85, Basic Lift 0.72 tons) wanted to curb-stomp a downed giant leader. That leader is SM+4, weighs 12 tons, and is ST160. He’s also got Wrestling at DX+4, which is a +3 bonus per…
A fantastic first day on my Kickstarter for Dungeon Grappling. Nearly 70% of the way to funding on Day 1, with 27 days to go. Thank you to all those that have shown such generosity thus far. But it’s not over until it’s over, and once we hit the “funded” level, that’s only about 1/3…
A Short Takeoff Roll After a long, long head-down hiatus brought about by life and other obligations hitting several of us hard, the Monday night crew (GM’d by Christopher Rice, proprietor of Ravens n Pennies) finally sat down to start the GURPS “Halcyon” campaign. I will admit up front was was lukewarm on the premise…
Today I updated the cover for Hall of Judgment. It had to be resized for 8×10 format, I used a more readable font that echoes the choices inside the document for the title and author slug, and new no-background Dungeon Fantasy RPG logos. A bit of tweaking of the back-cover text as well. I also…