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Ballistic’s Report for Week Ending May 14

This week was basically three things: The Delvers to Grow Kickstarter campaign, shipping domestic packages of Character Collections that are not books-only, and dealing with a very, very irksome issue on CE Mark compliance from the lab in China.

  • All backers Character Collections have now been processed. The Pre-Order store is now closed.
  • I only have the ability to fill half of the orders which include the B/W Counters for Five Perilous Journeys because it looks like FedEx destroyed two of my boxes. I have requested the vendor expedite a reprint.
  • International shipment validation of More Perilous Journeys has turned up eight “not yet arrived” and eight “backer not responded yet.” That means only an 80% delivery rate of those who I’ve heard from. Not awesome.
  • As of today, I am still working the counter labeling issue. The engineers accepted my fix, but are giving me grief about retesting. I hope for a resolution early next week.
  • Delvers to Grow launched at 10am Friday May 7. We are currently 87% funded with 11 days to go. Stretch goals are not yet in reach without a lot more backers coming on board.
  • Delvers to Grow is getting GCA/GCS support! Not immediately – I need to finish the books and get them ready, but everyone who pledges to the campaign will eventually get files to make it even easier
  • I was on SJGames Live! yesterday, and it was a great experience.
  • I was also on a LOT more shows, and there have been many posts to various forums. Check out the media list!
  • Apropos of nothing, HTML Washer is now my favorite thing ever

Gaming Ballistic Patreon

To help with ongoing funding of art and speed eventual time to delivery, Gaming Ballistic started a Patreon in January 2021. Here’s the weekly update on Patreon status.

  • Membership status: 45 patrons and $310 per month.
  • Special Content: They got something I can’t reveal.

Currently Manufacturing/Fulfilling/Shipping

Project where hardcopies and PDFs are going out, or scheduled to do so.

  • I’m down to 50 orders remaining for domestic fulfillment for Character Collections. I have materials in hand to do all but eight. I must wait on a reprint of the 5PJ B/W counter tokens.
  • The damage to the box for one order of the B/W Character Collections 2-4 counters was staggering; one box of 5PJ counters is still missing presumed dead.
  • This compromises eight orders that need these counters; I’ll contact the backers individually with options.


TFT Character Collection (Launched Friday Feb 19; Closed on Tuesday, March 9 at 9pm Central)

  • The pre-order store is closed
  • Still resolving labeling issues with the lab in China; they’re being unbelievably obtuse about an issue that seems unique to how they’re interpreting the statues. And I don’t say that lightly: ZERO of all the other CE Marked games on my shelf – and I have many – have the label in the way they want it.
  • I am expecting to hear back from STC New Jersey today on the cards. Since they were the ones advising me on the label contents originally, I don’t anticipate THAT issue…but I won’t know until I know

Delvers to Grow (Launched Friday May 7 at 10am Central Time)

  • The campaign started strong, and is doing reasonably well; 87% funded with 11 days to go.
  • I did a lot of podcasts, video shows, and promotions on this:
    • This is the best on-ramp to GURPS that has ever been published
    • This is the best recruiting tool to GURPS that is out there right now
    • The system has been extensively tested and it works
  • We got permission from SJGames to distribute GCA and GCS files that will make making characters even easier and faster. These don’t exist yet, and the #1 priority is finishing the books and getting the content into production. BUT…this is coming.
  • Stretch goals are by backer count. So tell all your friends to pledge. Right now it looks like we’ll be coming in at 500-550 backers, which is shy of any stretch goals. Need more people.

Product Announcements

No new uploads this week.

In Development

Writing and content creation for announced projects. Some of this may be cryptic.

  • I expect to finalize the main manuscript for Delvers in the next two days, which mean art direction shall follow Real Soon After
  • Krysuvik is due tomorrow, and I have not yet heard anything to the contrary
  • My SJGames writing project is complete by word count, but needs revision today to get a bit more game-relevant material in there. That means cutting elsewhere, but I’m OK with that

Media List

A lot of posts, podcasts, and press have gone up in the last week:

Podcasts and Interviews

Forum Threads

Twitter and FB Threads


Bits of news and items that put a monkey in the wrench.

  • The labeling thing on the counters is spectacularly annoying, and I won’t be using the STC Lab in China anymore. Better to simply bring product to the USA and test it in NJ where turn-around of communication is faster and more clear.
  • Unless we get a continuing surge of interest in the next 11 days (possible!) Delvers to Grow is predicted to be “per usual” for my projects: 500-550 backers. While not a horrible showing – and the campaign was designed with this target in mind – the inability to break through to 1,000-2,000 backers is troubling. I cannot, for example, do the Nordlondr Bestiary the way I want to on 500 backers.

Fair Winds

Information about things that move GB forward.

  • April ended pretty darn good on Warehouse 23 as well
  • Over 1,000 folks on the Facebook and over 700 Twitter followers. That’s a significant improvement over a month ago. Go go gadget marketing
  • Absolutely blitzed the media this last week, with more coming.

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