Three Days to go for GATE ‘zine for The Fantasy Trip
Please Support the GATE ‘Zine for The Fantasy Trip
A friendly reminder that the new ‘zine – GATE – by Alvin Helms ends in three days.
He’s an artist and graphic designer: this is going to look GOOD.
The content is being created by many of the same folks who regularly write adventures and contribute to Hexagram: this isn’t a collection of random folks who don’t know how the game works:

Alvin writes:
This Premiere Issue is under construction even now, so its final Table of Contents is subject to change, but thus far it is slated to include articles from such writers as…
- Alvin Helms, with the revival of a certain set of Runes
- Anthony Shostak, on Spell Books and Necromancy
- Carlisle Childress, with a method to implement Priests
- Henry Cobb, on the combat tactics of Canis lupus
- Howard Kistler, with an Encounter on the road
- James Eisert, with some heretical cinematic flair for Warriors
- Joe Tippets, with three new variants of existing character Races
- John Paul Bakshoian, with the unexplored secrets of Herbalists
- Peter von Kleinsmid, [TBA]
…and still more articles are being prepared, so this Table of Contents will be updated as the campaign progresses.

And possibly, space permitting, we may even include a few crazed ravings from your humble Publisher himself. (Myself. Whatever.)
The project has already passed several strech goals and it won’t take an unreasonable number of folks to back it to push all the way through the announced stretch goals.

I’m a big fan of supporting creators who make quality content for SJGames’ stuff – there, frankly, just aren’t that many of us doing it with the kind of attention that brings in new gamers to the table.
Alvin is taking this on, and I hope you’ll give some thought to backing is project.