What’s going to be on p. 22?
I can’t help myself in publishing these. I’m just giddy with the work of my art team. Cover, layout, and interior are all exceeding not just my expectations, but my wildest dreams.
We picked up in the middle of combat, facing what looked to be one frost wight (the second died real quick in the first moment of the restarted game), and two “Scary Black Things,” which had proved to be very robust to damage, presumably very high DR. Shiba goes after the frost wraith, and severs…
The Day 2 Winner was Michael Bauer! He chose Lost Hall of Tyr, and his link was mailed out this morning. Tonight’s drawing will be for a physical copy of Dungeon Grappling . . . For what it’s worth: a US postal address doesn’t matter. DriveThruRPG lets me ship from the UK to just about anywhere…
Took a new Springfield XDM out for a test drive this weekend. The PPQ has the better trigger, but this thing was plenty accurate. I’m just going to have to stop shooting at five yards; it’s too easy. Still, the bullets go where you tell them to, and 15 rounds in an extended magazine is…
This is one of those interesting oddities that shows up in Pyramid from time to time. A truly systemless article that’s useful for any GM in any system, as well as being a trove of information to be mined I’m going to give away the ending, and note that this was far and away my…
John Morrison has announced the first contest hosted by the Dungeon Fantasy RPG facebook group, in collaboration with (and with the full support of) Gaming Ballistic. Read the full announcement here. Rules Submit three versions of the same character concept at 62 (Novice), 125 (Journeyman), and 187 (Master) character points. If you own Delvers to…
I’m joining Erik Tenkar and Bad Mike of “Tenkar’s Tavern” to Talk Crit about gaming. I know we’ll be chatting about my lessons learned running Kickstarters and trying to launch a gaming company. Likely talk about grapping too, because of course I will. Other than that…who knows? Check it out, drop by, and I hope…
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Holy smokes! That’s awesome.