MPJ Surveys Away! Pre-order Open! Pay the authors more!

Surveys Launched
I pushed the “go” button on the Backerkit survey today, so it’s time to collect shipping, get any add-ons you want, etc.
I did wind up adding the Print+PDF bundles for the original Five Perilous Journeys, because oops, I forgot to put them in.
If there’s something in my back catalog that you want that’s not on there, let me know.
Pre-Orders Open!
In addition to the pledge manager, folks that missed the campaign can go to the Pre-Order Store and pile on. There are bundles in the store that are the same price as during the Kickstarter…but not all options are available at the discounts from the campaign: In particular, the “pick 1-3 PDFs” or “choose 1-3 books” are now simply a la carte.
But if you missed the campaign, come on in, check it out. Maybe buy a few things.
Pre-Orders increase Author Pay
In case you missed it from the campaign, the authors pay rate is determined by the total backers from both the Kickstarter campaign AND the Backerkit pre-order phase.
If we pick up another 45 pre-orders, that will increase the base pay for GM’d adventures to the $0.06 per word that qualifies for membership in the Science Fiction Writers Association. So it’s not too late to help things out. Share the link, point folks at the covers or preview pages, and my Discord page!
Finding Gaming Ballistic
As seems to be required these days, you can find me all over the place:
A Word on Dragon Heresy for Not-the-USA
Dragon Heresy is a 5e-derived RPG that is what can only be described as a ‘fantasy heartbreaker.’ It’s like D&D, but different. It’s the origin of what became my Nordlond setting.
I have many physical copies in inventory, but they’re all in the USA. Overseas shipping is ridiculously expensive (I once had to drop $75 to get a single copy to Australia) for these. I keep some inventory of all my other stuff in the UK with Kixto, but not Dragon Heresy.
At some point later this year, I’ll run a crowdfunding campaign whose express purpose is to move boxes of books over to the UK. That runs something like $150 per box of 10, and my intent is to see if there’s enough EU/UK/Rest-of-World demand to stage books over there.
That means if you’re interested in what happens when a GURPSy guy starts mucking about with the D&D rules . . . I’d ask that you check out the PDF for instant gratification, and wait a bit on the physical product. The assumption for shipping right now is books for Rest-of-World are shipped from the UK. Moving a $60 book from the US to most other places is a net loss. Let’s not do that and find a better way.
That’s it! Get on those surveys! I’ll go back to alternating between editing and painting my basement. 🙂