High Praise from the Chaotic GM: Meatgrinder Impressions
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High Praise from the Chaotic GM: Meatgrinder Impressions

This is a word-for word repost of a blog post by “The Chaotic GM.” He’s a Patreon member of mine, and I’ve been part of several forums he’s been on (SJGames, Discord, my own Gaming Ballistic forum on Discord, etc) for a while. He always gives great, constructive feedback. He’ll tell you what he likes, and what needs to change. So, without…

FnordCon 3 This Weekend
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FnordCon 3 This Weekend

This weekend is the SJGames online convention FnordCon3. I’m reposting the schedule and information from this SJGames post, as well as a bit of narcissism. Because hey: it’s my blog. Narcissism First Gaming Ballistic (that’s me) will be on with Steve at 3:30pm on Saturday. We’ll be talking GURPS and TFT. I’ll be on intermittently…

Ballistic’s Report for the Week Ending April 2
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Ballistic’s Report for the Week Ending April 2

This week moved solidly from “Backerkit” phase of Character Collections to “production and manufacturing.” Lots of time with Serif Affinity Publisher working up the counter sheets, and collecting errata for the books before they go into manufacturing. Also spent most of Thursday on my Quarterly income statement. Backerkit “closed” (though pre-orders are still open), cards…