Thursday is GURPSDay! May 17 to June 7, 2019
Thursday is GURPSDay, and once again it’s on Friday this week! Sorry! I was single-dad’ing it all week, and yesterday was a “work all day, then run around some more, then frantically do parent stuff, then more Kickstarter stuff” kind of day.
Still a bunch of new stuff, and three new blogs on the list, so scroll all the way down (the random order is, well, random, so at least one of the new folks is near the bottom this week). Catch up and get some repeat views and if you missed some. They’re in reverse chronological order, so if you’re up-to-date, just skim off the top!
News for Gaming Ballistic:
- I received the preview copy of Fantastic Dungeon Grappling in hand today. Wow. Holy wow. You guys are going to love it. If you didn’t get it,’s actually not too late.
- My new venture, Four Perilous Journeys, for The Fantasy Trip funded last week, and is now in the last 48 hours…and it’s surging. The “Give Me the Things. All of Them” pledge level includes about $200 worth of stuff “sold separately” for $110 . . . and you have to pledge to get that discount. It won’t be available discounted that steeply as a pre-order.
GURPSDay is in its sixth – GURPSDay started in February 2013, a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. Things have slowed down a bit, and I’ll be considering how to revitalize this weekly activity. I’d like to see an average of 100 posts here per week – one per blog, ish – so we’ll see what we can do to get creative juiced flowing.If you just started a GURPS blog – and I know that some of you have – email me and get on the list! With the advent of the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, Powered by GURPS, there’s even more reason to write.
How? Two action items: post more, recruit more. It’s really that simple. More posters is more posts, and more interest in GURPS.
Below you can find the blog activity for the last week. There’s a whole lotta awesome GURPS going on. Read all the posts.
Not every blog posts about GURPS every week, but some are ridiculously prolific! The list is randomized, so different bloggers will be highlighted at the top of the post each week.
As always, if you’re interested in having your blog consolidated here, navigate over to The Instructions Page and drop me a line. Take special note of the RSS Settings Fix if you’re on WordPress.
Gaming Ballistic (Douglas Cole)
- DFRPG Fantastic Dungeon Grappling print proof arrives! (6/08/19)
- Thursday is GURPSDay! May 10 to May 30, 2019 (5/31/19)
- Thursday is GURPSDay! May 2 to May 24, 2019 (5/24/19)
- Thursday is GURPSDay! Apr 26 to May 17, 2019 (5/17/19)
Dr. Kromm’s GURPS Livejournal (“Sean “”Dr. Kromm”” Punch”)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (6/07/19)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (5/31/19)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (5/24/19)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (5/17/19)
One Shot Adventures (J.C. Connors)
- Writing for Popular IP (at a Wizarding School) – The Warlock’s Tunnel (5/25/19)
- Arabian Adventures – The Third Hall of Uzrah (5/25/19)
- Rebooting an Old Adventure – The Cold Bounty (5/24/19)
- Old West Horror – The Black Mine of Teihiihan (5/24/19)
Dungeon Fantastic (Peter Dell’Orto)
- DFRPG Monsters 2 Arrived, DFT3 art, and more (6/08/19)
- DFRPG Monsters 2 – Still Not Yet (6/07/19)
- DFRPG Monsters 2 PDFs on the way . . . soon? (6/05/19)
- Gerry and the Skeletons (6/04/19)
- Uncommon Weapons in a Common Weapons Campaign (5/30/19)
- Book Update: Fun with Quotes (5/29/19)
- Felltower Elder Tongue – Collected Facts (5/26/19)
- Let’s fight Snow White (5/25/19)
- Rot Grubs in GURPS DF (5/24/19)
- GURPS DF Session 116, Felltower 88 – In the Orc Hole II (5/21/19)
- Felltower pre-summary (5/20/19)
- We go to the lands of the ice and snow: DF Cold Weather Gear notes (5/17/19)
Mailanka’s Musings (Daniel Dover)
- Alliance Space Vehicle – Sword-Pattern Battleship (6/07/19)
- Patreon Special: the Siege of Centauri Prime (6/04/19)
- Alliance Space Vehicles – Regal-Pattern Heavy Cruiser (6/04/19)
- Blog Roadmap: June (6/01/19)
- Patreon Polls: June (5/28/19)
- Review: GURPS Powers: Totems and Nature Spirits (5/25/19)
- Alliance Space Vehicles – Prestige-Pattern Diplomatic Shuttle (5/24/19)
- Alliance Space Vehicle – the Ronin-Pattern Battle-Yacht (5/23/19)
- Alliance Space Vehicle – The Valkyrie-Pattern Light Psychotronic Fighter (5/22/19)
- Alliance Space Vehicles – The Raptor-Pattern Strike Fighter (5/21/19)
- Alliance Space Vehicles – The Valiant-Pattern Multi-Role Fighter (5/20/19)
Noh RPG Group (binn05)
- Dungeon Psionic XP Rules / Dungeon Psiônica Regras de XP (6/07/19)
- Dungeon Psionic 004a – Post-Session Analysis / Dungeon Psiônica 004a – Análises Pós-Sessão (6/06/19)
- New Book Acquired / Novo Livro Adquirido (6/05/19)
- Dungeon Psionic 004 – The Big Fight / Dungeon Psiônica 004 – A Grande Luta (5/29/19)
- Games I’d like to GM / Jogos que eu gostaria de narrar (5/28/19)
- Dungeon Psionic 003 / Dungeon Psiônica 003 (5/27/19)
GURPS Special Ops (Steve Jolly)
- 4E Weapon Cards (6/01/19)
Let’s GURPS (Pseudonym)
- Cheat Sheet – Conditional Injury (5/30/19)
Refplace (Rory)
- Sci-Fi Settings (6/06/19)
- Designers Notes for GURPS Powers: Nature and Totem Spirits (5/23/19)
Octopus Carnival (Ubiratan Pires Alberton)
- Let’s Read Hell’s Rebels Adventure 2: Lucky Bones (6/05/19)
- Video Game Shields in GURPS (5/30/19)
- Force Screens, How Do They Work? (5/23/19)
Ravens N’ Pennies (Christopher R. Rice)
- GURPS101: Art of the Wild V (6/05/19)
- GURPS101: More Psychic Vampirism Powers for Psionic Powers III (6/05/19)
Above the Flatline (Timothy Ponce)
- The Mephit to My Madness (6/04/19)
- Requires Concentrate – A GURPS Blog (5/31/19)
- More Progress on Architect of Worlds Automation (5/27/19)
- Reorganizing the Blog (5/22/19)
- A Monster a Day… (5/21/19)
T Bone’s GURPS Diner (T Bone)
- Rules Nugget (GURPS/DFRPG): Better Aim (5/30/19)
GURB- The Generic Universal Roleplaying Blog (The_RyujinLP)
- Survivable Spaceships Quickie: I’ll Try Spinning! That’s a Neat Trick! (5/25/19)
- Ultra-Tech Ultra-Gear: (Semi) Passive Support (5/17/19)
Concrete Lunch Gaming (Bob Loftin)
- SAFCOcast #1 (5/27/19)
Frak Frel and Other F Words (Rigil Kent)
- GM Commentary: ConsOps 2.08 (5/26/19) – Discussion about the GURPS Action game I ran in Fantasy Ground on 5/26/2019 which went about like I figured. No stats abused but some in-game mechanics discussed. Reflections on where what worked and what didn’t.
- GamePrep: ConsOps, 2.08 (5/24/19)
Generic Universal Eggplant (Enraged Eggplant)
- Monster: Pseudodragon (6/06/19)
- NPCs: Planetouched Warriors (6/05/19)
- Monster: Phasm (6/04/19)
- Monster: Phase Spider (6/03/19)
- Monsters: Myconids (6/02/19)
- Monster: Phantom Fungus (6/01/19)
- Monster: Owlbear (5/31/19)
- Monsters/NPCs: Orc Warrior and Half-Orc Infiltrator (5/30/19)
- Monsters: Ooze (5/29/19)
- Monster: Ogre Mage (5/28/19)
- Monster: Nymph (5/27/19)
- Monster: Nightwing (5/26/19)
- Monster: Nightwalker (5/25/19)
- Monster: Nightcrawler (5/24/19)
- Monsters: Nightmares (5/23/19)
- Monster: Night Hag (5/22/19)
- Monster: Water Naga (5/21/19)
- Monster: Spirit Naga (5/20/19)
- Monster: Guardian Naga (5/19/19)
- Monster: Dark Naga (5/18/19)
- Monsters: Mummies (5/17/19)
Requires Concentrate (Weevis)
- Robot: Zak from Reactor Maintenance (as Player or Ally) (6/07/19)
- Robot: Zak from Reactor Maintenance (as NPC or Patron) (6/06/19)
- Robot: Zak from Reactor Maintenance (as Equipment) (6/05/19)
- Robot: Zak from Reactor Maintenance (NPC Description + Adventure Seed) (6/04/19)
- Robots, In General (6/03/19)
- Spaceship Minor Loot Table (5/30/19)
- What’s Crunchy About The Land of the True Game (5/28/19)
- Table of Hard Vacuum Effects on Equipment (5/28/19)
- The “Missing Sidebar” Problem: Equipment and Vacuum (5/20/19)
— (Moe Lane)
- Faun [GURPS 4e] (6/02/19)
- Ananeosi [GURPS 4e] (5/22/19)
- Necroman [450 pt] [GURPS 4e] (5/17/19)