Last Call for Errata on ALL FOUR BOOKS of the Nordlond Sagas Kickstarter
Here’s the New Errata Page!
I’m coming down to the end for The Dragons of Rosgarth. Today, “thanks” to Coronavirus-related school shutdowns and social distancing, plus a pair of kids who happily kept themselves occupied productively for nearly nine hours, I got the hyperlinking and indexing done. I also realized that I’d missed a whole page of unique magic items (the source of the Bang’a Gong errors, as an example).
But it all got done. Plus lots and lots of errors corrected in the main text and bestiary.
A few more pieces of art came in too.
So now I feel like I’m down to a few pieces of art, maybe a few “please fix my name” things.
Final Requests
This means that if you have any changes to request on ANY of the four books, please make them now. Let’s assume that the last changes I made to the other three were made the last time I sent out files. So if there’s something in Nordlondr Folk, Hand of Asgard, or Forest’s End that you haven’t sent me using the new errata page, please take the time to do it now.
If things go to plan, I’ll have all the remaining art by the end of the week, and I’ll start placing
print orders this coming Monday.

Errata Page Again
The new submission system is working out really, really well. So I’m going to insist that all new requests for changes use it.
Thanks! So very close!