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Mission X: Coming in 2025

Mission X


Modern Action Roleplaying

Powered by GURPS

Mission X  is focused on modern action, with inspiration from Stargate SG-1, Aliens, XCOM, and the like. A streamlined, rebuilt engine focusing getting new and experienced players to the table. Fast and smooth character generation and gameplay in the genre GURPS does better than just about all other games.

Mission X will come to the table with a consolidated skills list – about 65-70 skills that represent clusters of ability – with simpler pricing, plus reorganized and rewritten traits. Different damage scaling and using an evolved version of Conditional Injury from Pyr 3/120 embedded throughout.

This is going to be a full, self-contained game (think the Dungeon Fantasy RPG Boxed Set, not the worked-example genre books), that takes the best and most on-point concepts from a very large licensed corpus of prior art, including some of my own Pyramid articles. It’s designed to attract new players to a genre GURPS does better than just about any other game, fast to the table and fast at the table.

Mission X: Coming in 2025

Please click and follow the link to keep up with the project as more details become available. It won’t be launching this year, but it is my top priority for 2025.


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