Dragon Heresy: Halfway there, Streaming, and Micro-setting
At 4pm today CST we’ll hit precisely the midpoint of the Dragon Heresy Kickstarter campaign.
How are we doing? Pretty well.
Well, I mean, if we just wanted to fund, then we’re doing great, and it’s hard to argue with 235% funding! But that’s not really what I want, nor do I think it’s what you want either.
Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want
What I think we’d all like to see is that offset print run at $16,000. That will make an amazing book.
On the one hand, if the back half of the campaign mirrors the front, well, we’ve got a shot at it.
On the other hand, my personal projections show us hitting about $14,500, which is fairly close, but not quite there.
A daily pledge velocity of $400 or more (with an uptick at the end) will get us there.
That’s maybe two extra pledges per day than we’re getting, so some social media help as we round the halfway point would always help. Share on Twitter, Gab, Facebook, Google+, or wherever gamers gather. Share the podcasts – they’re good even beyond the context of Dragon Heresy. Mention the book at your FLGS and tell them there’s a retail level available. (Actually, let me help with that. I will make a flyer available sometime today you can email or print out and take with you.) Share my Discord Channel link and come by and ask questions or chat.
Streaming/Play Example on Rolls to Astonish
I’m going to try to try something later today, and record an actual-play example with five 5th level characters starting out in the city of Northwatch.

I’m writing an introductory micro-setting that will eventually see release. It might even see release before the final PDF of the Introductory Set goes out, in which case backers will get it free in PDF. Right now, it’s looking like six or eight different potential issues the PCs can get involved in.
No linear script, no follow the rails. Just things going on that need the PCs to help deal with them. Stay tuned for more!