Niobe and the Untamed: Nifty work by Stranger Comics!
“With a world divided who do you turn to?”

The fine folks at Stranger Comics have launched an opportunity to get a Pathfinder 1E module set in Niobe’s world of Asunda, with epic new races, feats, items, and more. Asunda is in development at HBO with creator Sebastian A. Jones co-writing and Executive Producing. Also available on the campaign are beautiful hardcovers for their comics, miniatures, LARP weapons and more! So you can read the books and play the game before it goes to the screen! Creators include: Peter Bergting (Lord of the Rings), Jae Lee (Dark Tower), and Hyoung Taek Nam (The Last of Us)!
I was pointed towards the Niobe and the Untamed project by Sebastian, who contacted me to say nice things about the Nordlond Sagas. Well, right back at ’em: the quality of the visuals and production values of the products offered in their Kickstarter really look top-notch – and they’re not kidding about an HBO series being in development! I can only imagine how awesome it would be to see Nordlond brought to life in either graphic novel format; even more so in live action!
In any case, as we are moving toward the Norðlond Sagas stretch goals, take a moment to look at what they have to offer. I think it’s worth your time, especially if you’re a player of other systems!